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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. i'm even getting bored of the idiots who complain about the idiots who keep posting this.
  2. I must admit that either JET conserves his energy well or, unlike other young players,he is uniquely capable of playing Saturday/Tuesday !
  3. Or rather a potentially damaging home defeat against lower division opponents .
  4. Even a broken clock is right twice a day ;0) If Aizoon could just predict this weeks lottery correctly i'll believe it was more than luck ,the loveable rascal .
  5. Always look on the Bright side of Life ?
  6. We were shite ,just papering over the cracks,we'd be nothing without JET,Crawley are rubbish.. just saving the naysayers a bit of time. Cut and Paste lads this is on me
  7. i went in eyes wide open ,i could n't really refuse ... Don't remember too much else except i had to chase off a randy Cuban girl,who happened to be in the middle of a divorce with a champion boxer I like to live dangerously,with the emphasis on 'live'
  8. I hope it was worth it for him and not like the rum that was procured for me for a party in Santiago de Cuba that came in a plastic gallon container and for the first few glasses was terrible . The poor barstards need to do something to forget Papa Noel !
  9. Take your dangerous fireworks outside please,this is no place for excitement.
  10. I once nearly finished a whole box and suddenly felt 'not so pucker' near the end so left three . marine weighing up if he should finish his box of Maltesers .
  11. Whilst Mrs Homer is out, you have whatever you want me babber .
  12. i think i'll take out my bin as well,it's full of crap footballers
  13. Do we actually need a match thread ? nothing seems to be happening and we amuse ourselves with witty, intelligent banter (well mostly )
  14. or the missus using the razor for her pulis
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