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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. i went in eyes wide open ,i could n't really refuse ... Don't remember too much else except i had to chase off a randy Cuban girl,who happened to be in the middle of a divorce with a champion boxer I like to live dangerously,with the emphasis on 'live'
  2. I hope it was worth it for him and not like the rum that was procured for me for a party in Santiago de Cuba that came in a plastic gallon container and for the first few glasses was terrible . The poor barstards need to do something to forget Papa Noel !
  3. Take your dangerous fireworks outside please,this is no place for excitement.
  4. I once nearly finished a whole box and suddenly felt 'not so pucker' near the end so left three . marine weighing up if he should finish his box of Maltesers .
  5. Whilst Mrs Homer is out, you have whatever you want me babber .
  6. i think i'll take out my bin as well,it's full of crap footballers
  7. Do we actually need a match thread ? nothing seems to be happening and we amuse ourselves with witty, intelligent banter (well mostly )
  8. or the missus using the razor for her pulis
  9. Either it's just us who are n't there, yet give a shit or simply last one out turn out the lights
  10. they appear to be all over us ,i'm hoping it's a classic 'dope on a rope' tactic .
  11. sounds like he's preparing his next move
  12. I never thought i'd live to see this match thread . City v Crawley ... It's just not right .
  13. We struggle when teams 'park the bus' i hoped today with Oldham playing it open we would at least score more than one but ...
  14. but may be the beginning of the end ...
  15. just at the moment when O'Driscoll wanted to tighten it up by taking off Taylor for Gillett,now apart from JET who's our goal threat ?
  16. Don't ask me ,I'm having a beer with Havantopia on the moon ,if you'd care to join us
  17. Dare i say "first time for everything" glances nervously at the scoreline; Could this be the day that the opposition feel hard done by ?
  18. how many Oldham fans have his name on their shirts i wonder ?
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