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Miah Dennehy

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Everything posted by Miah Dennehy

  1. Chesham and Barrow were water off a ducks back TBH. Hayes, Kettering & Hitchin saw to that!
  2. We have a coach up from the pub for our game at Wycombe on Saturday. I always go in the pub next door- my wife never believes that!
  3. Will they be showing the League Cup 2nd Round draw on that big screen :)
  4. I think you may have somewhat over reacted on this one , it's quite funny, nothing more, nothing less If anyone was genuinely upset that 'their woman' or child caught a fleeting glimpse of a scantily clad woman then they should seriously consider moving to a remote island with no access to any kind of nastiness from the outside world.(Cue jokes about nasty football clubs)
  5. Oxford City v Torquay United actually!
  6. I'm not sure I could cope with all that, I''l just settle for going out to someone like Mansfield.
  7. Well I wasn't there and I have several thousand mates that I normally go with so that would explain the lower than average attendance . I also need some advice on this second round thing. what is it exactly and how long have they been having it?
  8. Not that it really matters where it was, but it was Tewkesbury.
  9. Thank you, but before we all get too lovey dovey, can I just say that I hope you get well and truly dicked tomorrow. also that a thunderstorm strikes south Bristol just as the game finishes and you all get soaked walking back to your cars to add to the misery
  10. I was around, and quite frankly there is some right load of old bollocks written about it on here I find it bizarre/slightly amusing that some feel the need to come up with 'reasons' to dislike Rovers. The fact is we can all drag up shit about each other, but the reason we like to see each other fail, is simply because we are local rivals- it's part of the fun
  11. I think you can guess what sort of thing I mean, I mean serious stuff. Football isn't serious. We will have to agree to differ then.
  12. Your prerogative of course, I just think 'scum' is a strange term to use to describe football clubs and their fans. Someone would have to do something REALLY low for me to use that term about them.
  13. I agree, it's a crass nickname, although - and I don't know why- I think scum is a vile term of abuse.
  14. I think if people are throwing around words like 'scum' to describe football clubs and supporters then they need to get a sense of perspective.
  15. If only we could hold onto our best player(s) as well as you do
  16. Ha! You'll soon be laughing on the other side of your face. I saw Nichols #goalmachine at Melksham and not only did he score , he had one disallowed and missed two absolute sitters, which should stand us in good stead should we ever draw a non league side (preferably below Chesham standard) in the cup. With Ellis gone, if Nichols doesn't step up to the plate and at least treble his previous season's tally , I'll move to Bedminster and change me name to Robin!
  17. Did they? Or is that just gossip and rumour?
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