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Posts posted by beaverface

  1. Obviously no offence to Gasheads like yourself or NailseaCookie who has always said he thinks AV should happen and not just on OTIB. I think the thing that most City fans are actually jealous of is not the ground but the fact that Rovers have beaten the NIMBYs. I would love to see the liars who have stifled our plans to be shown up for what they are.

    Rovers battle was against TRASH not BCFC. I accept Gasheads are happy that they will get their new ground first but in all fairness Rovers had a 30 year head start. We've got our own battle to keep us occupied. As long as nothing happens to derail the AG redevelopment I genuinely believe that the future is bright for City, not just Rovers.

    I'm not going to say I'm happy Rovers have a new ground but I will say I don't begrudge them getting it. Most City fans I know feel the same way.

    On a different note, I can't think of any other examples where the new ground vs redevelopmed ground pros and cons argument could be played out in real life with 2 clubs in the same city at roughly the same time.



    I don't get this argument? I keep hearing Gash fans saying "we'll get our stadium before you", but I don't get it? I really don't understand why they hold this in such esteem? It's almost as if it's the only thing they can get over us? I say good luck to them :-)

  2. You only gotta see what's happened to teams like Darlington, Rushden and Diamonds, even what happened with Coventry with the Rioch, I think its a risk for the Gash, As they havent got a rich man to back them like we have SL. My bet is it will be like Notts County a couple years back, when they brought in Sven and the gang. It will start well, but will fizzle all too quick.

    I would wish them well but don't give two shits about them, the only way they will get more people in is by offering free tickets, season tickets to uni students etc and don't forget the plastics. Forest Green will soon over take them as the best team in Gloucester, but don't worry Gloucester City haven't got a home either, what's the chances of them asking for a ground share?



    This is the thing, there are so many clubs building new stadiums, they no longer give you a cutting edge over other clubs. It won't be long until there are no older stadiums left in the Country.


    You need to have some serious clout in this neck of the woods to make a difference.


    Crikey Steve Lansdowns has got shed loads more money than the Gash and look how difficult we found it to stay in (and compete) in the championship.


    Don't get me wrong, the new stadium will help the Gash, but they're competing against other clubs who have already established new stadia and are higher up the league pecking order i.e. Doncaster, Bournemouth, Shrewsbury, and for each one of those, there's always a Plymouth, Darlington etc..

  3. I will still believe it when I see it. I have watched Rovers for 40 years and for 30 of those they have been about to move to a new ground. I see TRASH have 7 days to appeal, and Nick Higgs has mentioned in his statement that the delay has cost time and money, and that this means that there will now be contractual issues to sort out.


    Apart from that, I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to new football grounds, and talk of 'new revenue streams' always leaves me a bit cold.

    You can't stop progress, and I will go along with it, but give me a stadium and pitch like the Baseball Ground circa 1974 anytime!


    ...or Ashton Gate? ;-)

  4. Yeah I have a feeling they would take any option for appeal as well.

    Be hard for the dog to let go of the bone when so much has already been invested in it and as we already know from our own experience things are never set in stone.

    They might have questions to answer from the traders and residents who had already donated if they didn't.

    On the other hand an appeal would likely coincide with the local elections, so the likes of Radice might not be willing to risk it.


    Think they're already burned their bridges !!

  5. I'm hoping that at least one of our managers this season will see that Burns is a better option than Harewood.

    Having said that, I'd hope they'd see me as a better option than Harewood.  Has he hit the target this season?


    Burns should be in the match day squad regardless of comparing him to other players. He's the only attacking option we have with genuine pace.

  6. Surely the moment he takes the job he's no longer a gashead? He's a former gashead. If anyone should be furious when he gets the job it is the Rovers fans - how would we feel if, say, Tinnion turned up at theMinimal Ground?



    a bit like Alan Walsh scenario I'd imagine ?!

  7. These are the drawings submitted for planning in July so this is pretty much what will be built:

    Plans and sections towards the bottom





    What's interesting about those plans is that there is a standing area in the corner of the east end/williams, and the corner of the eastend/dolman, as well as standing along the front of the east end.

  8. Just a few extra random points I've thought of whilst reading this thread.


    - I thought the club wanted to put more executive boxes in at the back of the replacement East End, but it was the fans who turned their noses up and forced them out.


    - The rebuilt East End is going to have a couple more hundred seats than the Atyeo, and yet the roof height is going to be the same as the Dolman, which leads me to think that it's either going to be a steep gradient, or maybe they're leaving space for executive boxes in future?


    - All this talk of golf driving ranges reminded me about a thought I had a couple of years ago. With the Avon gorge being just up the road, couldn't the club create a

    false climbing wall on one of the stands to encourage stadium use on non-match days - surely it would be high enough for members to have a decent ascent?, or what about a built in zip slide from the top of one stand, across the pitch etc.. surely it wouldn't cost a lot, but could offer a nice little return? Imagine as an away fan having the chance to have a bit of adventure when you turn up early at a ground.

    • Like 1
  9. Can anyone tell me (us), whether the proposed capacity of 27k in the revamped AG, takes crowd segregation into account?

    For instance, If we drew a "Big club" in the cup, or even the squatters, would that then reduce the capacity to, say, 25k with segregation?

    The capacity as it is now is something like 21,497, but realistically, it's actually about 3k less when segregation is taken into account (I think...)


    The club are on about relocating the away fans back to the Atyeo, so without any remedial work, there will be a reduction in capacity to segregate fans.


    I would imagine they'd install railings down the middle of the seating at some point to split the fans up, and seeing as the rake of the Atyeo is steeper than the east end, this may just work.

  10. This is exactly what will happen. Housing will be built on the land which will have to include about 40% social housing. Any housing development these days have to have a certain amount of social housing to obtain permission.


    This is where the club should look to take advantage by trying to get the residents of the "Nelson Mandella" flats behind the Dolman moved to AV !

  11. Lucky you! and what about the significant amount of folks who have to work on Saturday morning (myself included) who don't have time to turn a matchday into a day long piss-up?

    Footy is a working class sport, so threfore an awfull lot iof fans will be in my position.

    I hear what you all are saying about AV parking tho' - I don't know the site proposed personally, is it really as bad as the gate? ?

    If so thats carp! Bloody double yellows and cones everywhere. :(


    That's what needs to be taken up with the council/mayor. On the Cumberland basin, we had cars parking there for many many years and I didn't see one problem attached to it, but the PC brigade come along and double line everything saying it's unsafe.

    Sure I can understand circumstances where fire engines can't get around a bend for instance, so leave the double yellows just for these areas, not blitz the entire carriageways.

  12. Fully understand what you're saying. Of course we all love the spiritual home of our club.......but! I'm not sure of your personal circumstances but parking at the gate is absolutely horrendous, even at the moment with small crowds!

    Can you imagine what this would be like if we were getting 20,000 + crowds regularly?

    To be honest, it would probably stop alot of folks comming eventually, stifling the club yet again.

    parking at a new AV will be just as bad. Theres isnt going to magically be thousands of parking spaces. I think the plan for AV had spaces for 1000 cars which is just a few hundred more than AG.

  13. What goes around.....


    Those are my first thoughts, although I do share the sentiment that its a farce neither club looks to be able to build a new ground to help move into the modern footballing era. We are lucky to have landsdown to be able to redevelop ag and still get all the facilities we need to progress. I know it has been discussed in the past, but could city and rovers look at viable options to build a stadium that we can share? If ac and inter , Lazio and roma can do it......


    Although if we do redevelop ag, we could just let them rot in the mem? Choices, choices.


    I don't agree with this. Part of the enjoyment of football is going to different stadiums and seeing clubs in their natural spiritual environments. That's why out of town stadiums are so bland.


    Even though Newcastle is pretty much a brand new stadium, at least they've kept it smack in the middle of the town centre.

  14. A few points:


    - Wasn't the club on about re-opening the Ashton Gate railway station regardless of whether we remain at AG or go to AV.


    - Who now owns the old Cruickshanks Mercedes garage? That's quite a large area of land that could house a hotel/club shop/bar etc..


    - When I mentioned to DaveL about buying the houses behind the EE or Atyeo, he quite rightly mentioned how expensive it would be, but there's always that old devil inside of me thinking that the club are buying them anyhow, but doing it on the sly to keep costs down.

  15. I always like to get an opposing fans view of our match... they all said to a man that we were 5hit.. buts thats fine. They can come to the Gate on Monday and think its gonna be easy.


    If Bristol win today I am not feeling very confident for Monday. Full gate at Ashton Gate and they get this away win.

    Suddenly the light at the end of the tunnel not looking too bright icon_e_sad.gif

    I think I've turned into a forest fan, and just my luck they are sh1te too

    who said that gerken is a shite keeper?

    knew this was going to happen. we lose monday we will be down.

    You useless fxxxing cxxxs Forest. To win 4-7 at Leeds and then put in that display. Fxxxing typical. Fxxk you Cotterill. (i had to beep this one)

    I don't want to be negative, I really don't, but I can't see us winning Monday. Especially after those wxxxers gave them a massive lift.

    TBF, we've been stitched up by sides who we thought would beat our relegation rivals.....Hull spring to mind quite frequently ATM.

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