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Everything posted by wendyredredrobin

  1. Are they having baths in the bogs as well? That would be of huge benefit to most of their fans.
  2. They will be relegated or insolvent by March, or even both. Bodin will be gone in Jan after which they have nothing left and so will go on a winless run to oblivion. The training ground and academy will never happen, the pitch will remain a quagmire and the only things they will have achieved is to have unpaid bills, the carpets cleaned, new curtains, refurbished toilets and a new shop. RIP Bristol Rovers FC.
  3. gas365 Youth Team Dec 7, 2017 at 9:54pm blueblood1883 and okebournegas like this Quote gashead1981 said: As bankers surely they were able to look at the profit and loss and see how much was underpinned by the previous directors? It’s business basics and totally bonkers that they would have to wait to run the club to notice that. They should also realise that the delaying of building/refurbing a stadium is also halting revenue and income streams. I think maybe we have been giving them too much credit all along. Their father set up the bank which would have been a good leg up into the banking world without having to make the hard yards that self made people do. I am unaware of what the owners of the club have achieved on their own merits outside of the family business- if someone wants to put me straight on that then I am genuinely happy to be corrected. As it is I can't help but think that where City got Lansdown (loathsome as he is), rag bag Rovers got the investment banking version of the Chuckle Brothers.
  4. All he said was we are talking about a plan, but we dont yet have a plan. Well they have been talking about a plan for months and will continue to talk about it for months to come. The reason they cant come up with a plan is that they have no money. Seems like all they are doing is moving the club shop and painting the bogs. Later, they will improve the playing staff with a visit to Lidl as they cant afford Waitrose. He just kept saying that these imaginary plans will take time. Sorry Wally there's not much time left. I wonder if they have a plan to deal with insolvency.
  5. He was never sold. They pretty much gave him away along with any hope they had of staying in division 3.
  6. Where are we watching tonight? As I dont have Sky, I will be watching the game in my local with a couple of pints and a burger. I reckon SU are there for the taking and we could well be coming home with Another 3 points in the bag, though a point would be acceptable. Even if we do win, we will still be third with a 3 point gap to Baadiff who play tomorrow.
  7. Just did an OK google of "what is a gashead" and it recognised the term and read me a discription. Just need to hack that site to correct that discription. Surprised that it recognised something so obsure though.
  8. 97 years? By my calculations it may be all over in 97 days.
  9. Then their accounts are wrong. League status was achieved in 2015.
  10. Better be quick then as they only have until March.
  11. Bodin offered £25k plus 2 camels per year contract? Rovers star Bodin attracting interest ahead of January transfer window http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/bristol-rovers-star-billy-bodin-879692#ICID=Android_BristolPostApp_AppShare
  12. Found it. Savour and enjoy again and again and again:
  13. Can't find it but hope this will do Swede:
  14. The way things are going, they may end up with a crowd of 10 men before long (or maybe 10 beings).
  15. Have you seen the old toilets at the mem though?
  16. They have 5 top quality players and another 6 decent ones. This game is worrying me more than most. It's a 6 pointer too.
  17. Dont you realise how expensive the upkeep of a camping site is?
  18. Sorry guys, Wally opened his ration book and found all of his vouchers had been used up. Dopey still thinks he can conjure up a few more otherwise he would have been off to pastures new by now. Still, at least the fence has now been paid for apparently and there is enough in the bottom of the barrel to pay next weeks wages.
  19. There are a few lads who play on the downs that would strenghen his squad.
  20. He's got the hump now you've suggested that.
  21. Hasn't wael already said that he will accept no less than 5 camels for him?
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