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Everything posted by supercidered

  1. So they are f@cked then. Good.
  2. I hope the above in bold comes to pass. Sick of Derby County FC, Derby County Board and associated cronies and Derby fans trying to weasel out of the punishments that are long overdue. I hope it's good riddance to at least League 1 and beyond.
  3. Also agreed. If Reading end up with the same punishment could they also employ some delaying tactics to carry it over to next season or a time more convenient for them? I know, I'm a cynical old ****t but just wondering.
  4. Lets just hope whatever points they finish on they get relegated. If they do stay up, the fans will be even more difficult to tolerate than they have been for many a year.
  5. Oh no. Deducted 12 points? Bottom of the table? Anyway.... The only things wrong with this is they should be in L1 already anyway and with more points deduction to follow. Been dodgy as f@ck for years. Mel Morris and his boardroom cronies have been caught out. They made the gamble and it failed. Then tried to cover it up and it failed. Some have said they feel sorry for the fans. I may have some sympathy for the ones that sees this for what it is i.e. cheating. The others (some of which have been on this forum) are not much better than Morris himself. See you later and good riddance.
  6. God I hate it when people sit on the fence
  7. I don’t consider myself as a a bitter and twisted bloke. However, Derby being rogered senseless is the most pleasing thing for me since the sags were relegated at home by a team borrowing their away kit. Everything coming home to roost at the same time. At this point it would be usual to feel for the fans but I don’t. My experience of them and their billy big bollocks attitude leaves me enjoying their discomfort. Off to League 1 you go Wayne and Mel. Good riddance. Maybe I am bitter and twisted after all !
  8. Hmmm I still would to be fair. Be a great night out.
  9. What a smug oily bell sniff. No need to open the door for him, he will just slide underneath it. Couldn't even bring myself to watch the interview.
  10. I think his name is actually, Senior Brown.
  11. He's usually trying to jump something!
  12. To be fair to Pitman he's going from one basket case to another. So no change really. I really hope he is dog sh!t though, scores no goals and gets called a Gurt Sheeeed every time he goes near the ball.
  13. And if they were unaware. Doesn't it show Barton in an even worse light (if that is possible). The incident happened June 2nd I think so you'd think that he would give the Wael of Misfortune a heads up?
  14. I take it he didn't actually type FTG
  15. I was going to put Minibus Headbutters but on reflection either description would be adequeate!
  16. I saw that a player (Ogogo) that the window lickers released turned down a chance for a pre-season 'trial' to earn a contract in favour of..... wait for it.......... a contract at Non League Southend United. #comingforus
  17. Thanks Matt Langley. I've never heard the phrase 'Good risens' before. I will need to remember that one to impress my mates up the pub. #the gift that....
  18. Ok, so sorting the wheat from the chaff. Are you basically saying the Derby County are innocent or not? Are you saying that the club should not face any sanction of any kind? When I look at sorting the wheat from the chaff i.e. stripping away all the flannel then the club should face sanctions at least similar to Sheffield Wednesday and Birmingham City. My guess is though that due to the amount of smoke and mirrors deployed during this horrible mucky affair that the club will escape sanctions. Then it will be another nail in the coffin of the integrity (if any still exists) of the EFL and football in general. No deterrent means that murky Mel and people / clubs like him will continue to at best bend the rules and at worst show contempt and blatant disregard for the rules.
  19. FAKE NEWS !!! That looks like a wooden chair to me. Where are the white plastic garden ones?
  20. Deacon!! I had to think what it was referring to at first. F@ckin rofl !!
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