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Gert Mare

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Everything posted by Gert Mare

  1. Enjoy....The gift that keeps giving ?
  2. ….unless the opponent is Non-League of course ? I didn’t agree with what you said, but I must admit I’ve changed my view after today….You are GREAT to watch. I haven’t enjoyed watching you so much since Chesham. Thanks for the early christmas gift from the kings of gift giving. ?
  3. If truth be told the Gasheads are embarrassed about the Mem. They know it’s a complete shithole and a joke of a stadium, but of course they’ll never openly admit it because that would give the arrogant Ted’s even more fuel to take the piss. If they think we’re fooled by their so called love of Membley then they are sadly mistaken. It’s a run down ramshackle mess with tents for stands and plastic garden chairs and the Bolton Fans likened it to Chernobyl and the Millwall fans commented that the only thing missing was a ******* coconut shy. Gaslogic therefore says that Bolton and Millwall fans are just arrogant Ted’s in disguise ? Clowns ?
  4. Limpwrist…. ”an arrogance of being untouchable has been bred which fuels the many pages on the dustbin thread. ” Arrogance again. It’s the arrogance of Gasheads with the failure to recognise how tinpot they really are and how they compare themselves to clubs twice the size of them and look down on clubs with better facilities than them which fuels the many pages on the dustbin thread, not the arrogance of gurt shitheads.
  5. I don't quote fiction where the Gas is concerned. Anyway, according to Gas Chat you're a Ted in disguise. Is that true?
  6. It is. You are welcome to look it up Here you go.... There were 484 new banning orders issued during the 2014/15 season, compared with 678 in 2013/14. Bristol Rovers had the biggest number of new orders overall, with 31 issued during 2014/15. Burnley fans received the largest number of new banning orders in the Premier League, 26 in total, before their relegation. In the Championship Wolverhampton Wanderers fans had 22 imposed. Leeds United fans sparked the most football-related arrests last season, 99 according to the figures.
  7. They've stooped lower than where we have ever been, both on and off the pitch. In 2014 they had more football banning orders than any other football league club in the country. FACT! Punching Braintree players in the back of the net just because they were losing to a complete footballing backwater and their self-entitlement attitude got the better of them. Family club? What a ******* joke. Do me a favour. Holier than thou Gas delusional bullshit at its finest. They can't see reality from the utter drivel and bullshit that they keep trying to spout. When they set themselves up like old limpwrist then they continue to be the gift that keeps on giving.
  8. Arrogant? I thought that’s what Ted’s are? They’ve even referred to us as the family club? Such a strange mob. Always talking about themselves in the 3rd person.
  9. They are a club from a large City. They have won a Watney Cup, a few yo-yo promotions (including one to return to the Football League after finishing second - and had an open top bus tour to celebrate) and the Longwell Green Sixes. They’re forever being called Bristol City by anyone North of Yate. Hardly a massive club…. More like a wet fart stain in the kegs. Tinpot.
  10. Village mentality says the tinpot tent dwellers. There’s none so blind as those who will not see…. The gift giveth
  11. ‘kin ‘ell! Step into the light Carolanne…… At least it’s got more teeth than their average supporter
  12. “They’ve been around since 1982” - You’d think that they could pull up some new stuff since then wouldn’t you…..Can’t they see it? FFS! ?? They celebrate 2nd May 1990 and calls us the 82ers from 40 years ago. ???? You couldn’t make this shit up! More gifts than Christmas Day ? My sides are hurting because I’m laughing at them so much. It’s no wonder that they rarely mention us on their forum….they walk blindly into their deluded world and provide us with so many goodies. Beauties!!!
  13. In the words of the neutral Villa groundhoppers….. ”It’s like someone’s dug a hole in the ground and stuck a football pitch there” and my favourite….. ”And every other song is about Bristol City” ?
  14. They are so excited about us losing to Lincoln. Apparently I’m shitting myself that we might go down. ? The only thing Rattling is the frames of your tents in the wind my little tinpot squatting 15ers.
  15. And Tinpot ( now that statement really DOES get to them!)
  16. Another Gashead referring to City fans as “Arrogant”. They really do view us as a fan base who is completely out of touch with reality. That statement has ‘projection’ written all over it. This is from a fan base that see themselves as a club on par with teams like Norwich and West Ham and look down on clubs with similar sized stadium of which many at least have a solid roof structure! Calls us 82 as well….Yep, that really hurts….NOT! Hates Ashton Gate but calls it a ‘Shiny New Rugby Ground’. So they don’t like shiny new things eh?. The amount of envy in that statement alone is epic! They are obviously much more content in their old tented stolen Rugby Ground then? Oh, the irony!! The gift has given again! The Man City fan explained it perfectly to GGMI. Doesn’t take arrogance to point out facts.
  17. Ok ok! There are so many to mention….**** it, let’s go for it…… We’re playing in the League Cup tonight where Rovers can claim a very unique record……. ? The gift that keeps on giving…..
  18. I for one would love to see them back in the conference where they belong. Worst nightmare would be to draw them in the cup and god forbid them end up getting some sort of creditable result. We'd never hear the last of it! Christ, it's bad enough that they think that 1990 and 1982 are still relevant. Hopefully Boreham Wood will provide us with something to laugh about like Barrow, Hitchin, Kettering, Bath and the mighty Chesham United have over the years. Much more entertaining. Take their god awful song about someone's granny and their knuckle dragging 2 teeth neanderthal 70's thugs elsewhere thanks very much.
  19. You need to let some of your fan base know then because a number of them are still ‘prowed’
  20. They ARE a 'family club' though, just not in the traditional sense........Their sister is their mother, their uncle is their brother....and so on.
  21. Shitheads infiltrating the home end pretending to be Derby supporters?
  22. Here’s a question worth pondering…….. If Bristol Rovers are the famous quarters, loved throughout the land, a lot of clubs ‘2nd team’ and loved more than ‘da shit’……why do they constantly feel victimised? The GasLogic can’t add up? I’ve been trying get the right answer, but when I type it into the supercomputer I just seem to get the answer ‘deluded c**ts’. Maybe one of our victimised, family club, loved by all Gashead posters can solve this conundrum?
  23. They took 40k, but 20k were locked out and received life bans for something that was somebody else’s fault and absolutely nothing at all to do with the family club.
  24. Their delusion has no boundaries. Those clubs may have won dozens of League titles, FA Cups and European Cups, but they haven’t won the Watney Cup or the Gloucestershire Cup. Definitely on par.
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