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Gert Mare

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Posts posted by Gert Mare

  1. Legend tells the story that there was quite a lot of board room struggles for power back in the late 1970's. Requests for external investors were rebuffed and a number of financially costly legal battles ensued.

    The lengthy contracts, relegation and Bob Houghton's champagne lifestyle were the final nails in the coffin.

    In answer to the original poster.....this wasn't the beginning. I think it all started post Harry Dolman era (between 1977-82).

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  2. Needed that win. Preston didn’t offer much tonight and never looked like scoring until we were done by another set piece.

    At times we squandered opportunities when a simple pass could have made the difference. I remember Semenyo shooting instead of playing it across the box when there were 2 players waiting to tap it in.

    Still, we got out of jail thanks to Big Rob Atkinson with 2 good headers getting right in amongst it.

    Hopefully that will give the players a lift going into the next game. We’ve not been at the races since the international break so it’s a welcome 3 points.

    We rarely get anything out of Preston.

  3. On 04/10/2022 at 21:48, pigeon said:

    Being an expat in the US, i've used the streaming service a lot and it's come a huge way from where it began. However, one thing that drives me absolutely insane and has me hoping for it to be shown on actual TV is the incredibly biased, leading to sometimes cringeworthy, commentary. 


    I get that it's the clubs provided service, but surely someone needs to tell the main guy (can't remember his name) that we can sometimes call a spade a spade. I live in the US, I get enough one-sided commentary on the news channels! 


    Bonus moan - is anyone else having the commentary and stadium audio about 1 second ahead of the actual video stream? Also pretty annoying ?


    Rant over. Thanks for listening. 

    I know where you are coming from. City went 1 down in the first 2 minutes on Saturday only for the commentator to say “Hopefully, City fans will be singing on their way down the M5 later today”. Then we were still getting battered and he said “City will soon dominate possession”. 

    Sometimes the propaganda is North Koreanesque


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  4. AssChat is a lovely read at the moment, especially their "Relegation" thread.

    Squabbling amongst themselves about who is more "Faithful and Truer". Chippenham Gas must be a gurt "Ted".

    They see themselves as a club that should be "yo-yoing" between League One and The Championship based on zero evidence of any potential whatsoever other than they see it as their "God Given Right".

    At least one Sag has stated the correct information that they are indeed a "yo-yoing" club, but between League One and League Two (with a bit of Non-League sprinkled over the top).

    Why can't they just admit that League One is their promised land? League One is the Premier League for Sags which is why they are struggling. Don't they realise that it was blindingly obvious that once their entire team of loanees had ****** off back to their parent clubs that Rovers would be preparing to head back down to their rightful level in League Two?

    They really need to wake up and recognise how tinpot they are and enjoy the fact that they are spending a season punching well above their weight. Perhaps then they wouldn't be squabbling amongst themselves so much!!

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  5. On 09/09/2022 at 15:41, Bristol Rob said:

    Looks like the Fewers are having a vote on if they should change their badge.

    Hopefully, when they come up with various designs there will be a vote which we can collectively manipulate to ensure they get the worst of them.






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  6. 11 minutes ago, SirColinOfMansfield said:

    Any publicity is good publicity? Really?

    Joey Barton spotted giving finger to Tottenham fans in Marseille away end





    One for the 70's Neanderthal Tote-Enders to appreciate.

    "Get us a game against Sabadell anit Joay? Can we hang on your every word, lick your brown eye and drag you up Chasers?"

  7. 14 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    One absolute helmet told me on Facebook the other day that we should’ve taken 2k to Blackburn because they’re ex Premier League Champions.



    Unlike Gasheads to be stuck in the past? ??

    Happy 2nd May....murdered Sheffield United 0 - 0 in the Watney Cup Final

  8. 3 hours ago, downendcity said:

    When he's fixed it, the RAC man points out that he's surprised, as the problem was almost certainly there when you bought the car and almost certainly should have been picked up since then.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the car salesman ( Swiss Tony) that sold you the vehicle, and the guy that did it's last few services are nowhere to be seen!

    Swiss Tony can now be found residing in Ipswich

    • Haha 1
  9. I was talking to a Gashead last week whilst drinking a cup of tea. He mentioned Rovers being more of a 'family club'. I actually choked on my tea and it sprayed everywhere. I cannot believe their fans still peddle that shit!

    They couldn't be any further away from being an actual 'family club'. You only have to look as early back as Saturday for their four letter word expletives to Steve Cotterill in the presence of kids!


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  10. 1 hour ago, CiderJar said:

    Screenshot_20220809-212610_BBC Sport.jpg


    For context, Tom Nichols struggled to score goals earlier in his career.


    **** me. Done by a Tom Nicholls goal! Did they have a bell in the ball or something?! 

    Priceless. Start the bus. Joey’s ready to throw some more players under!

  11. 8 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    This is absolutely spot on.

    I have never heard a single City fan describe our club as massive. Plenty like to goad Sagheads by pointing out how much bigger we are than them but that’s not the same thing. We know our place in the Football World, Gasheads on the other hand are always bragging about the size of their support, trying to make out their funny little club is a sleeping giant.

    I don’t know any City fans that would come out with this shit…


    or this…


    Let alone this ?


    I don’t think we even do that tbf. We simply goad them about how tinpot they are and how deluded they are thinking that they are a big fish in a small pond, when their ground (if you can even call it that? Health hazard would be a better description) is littered with tents and white plastic garden chairs.

  12. We’re in this mess because of Ashton and throwing money at LJ.

    We get a few free transfers in because we have got no money to spend as a result of FFP and fans are deeply concerned that we’re not in the top 6?! Have a head wobble!

    We lost the opening match due to an awful refereeing decision and a complete freak goal.

    We lost to Sunderland because we can’t seem to keep up the tempo for 90 minutes, plus we lost James in the warm up and had to go with the headless chicken.

    It’s obvious we need players but at least we are competing in games and creating chances unlike we did under Holden and LJ’s latter tenure.

    It’s going to be like this for some time, but we’re two games in and there are no alarm bells that are needed to be rang just yet. Just disappointing results in games where luck wasn’t on our side.

    We’ll improve a bit, but don’t expect top 6 with 3 free transfers, two of which were lower league punts. If you believe that then you are deluded.

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  13. 10 hours ago, BCFC11 said:

    For those who want a giggle on this fine Tuesday morning....... 





    They’re all praying SL walks away and leaves us in the shit, when all he is trying to do is get some outside investment to push us on rather than keep funding it out of his own pocket. Absolute tools.

    They’ll take any way of ending up in the same division as us and even if it was because of our relegation Gas Logic would see that as a success for them. 

    It’s no wonder we have a 300 page thread on them. Still calling us BC1982FCLTD like it has an effect on us. It’s just as ******* meaningless as they are.

    Here’s to the next 300 pages because they just can’t help themselves when it comes to talking total delusional bollocks and letting their jealousy show at every opportunity. 

    What I never understand is that they seem to think that we give it the Bertie big bollocks about how big we think we are. I know not a single City fans that thinks we’re a massive club and are arrogant about it?

    I hear plenty of sad Sags who think they are a huge club though and I hear what an amazing away support they have almost DAILY!

    ******* clowns! ? 

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