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Gert Mare

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Posts posted by Gert Mare

  1. 10 minutes ago, phantom said:

    I didn't realise but Ian Holloway is actually a really good painter !

    No pun / joke - it is true. . 


    4 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

    He can do my toilet out, if he's reasonable!

    He won’t because as we all know he can’t stand “the shit”

    • Like 1
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  2. 33 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    Here's a question given how long it's taken them so far to get their screen working.

    Did we build the mighty Lansdown stand quicker than it's taken them to get a big tele working? Must be pretty close now?

    These things take time. They employed the same project management team they used on the hugely successful Colony project. The “Game changer” ? #thegift

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  3. 5 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    It’s all very confusing - everyone blaming everyone else and insults flying like an awning on Snowdonia 

    Comments that they cant compete with clubs like Lincoln for players......

    Now a moderator,  has asked the other moderators,  to ban him as he called one of the other Sags an a*********e

    Comedy Central 

    Unlucky da shit! ?

  4. 2 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    Sagshat is a fun read atm , tearing lumps out of each other , and the Club , and the owners , Chairman , Chief Exec , the Supporters Club


    I Guess it’s the stress hoping  their  accquisition from non league in Ireland is signing 

    I hope they realise we’ve had similar worries about Kalas , DaSilva, Palmer etc

    Let me guess?.....For some supporters they penny has dropped that Hani says ‘No’, Wally is a really nice bloke but has no other answer than “These things take (until the end of) time”, Hamer is just a PR puppet dumped in front of the TV to give cryptic messages with no substance, but the rest of the deluded 40+ thousand fans locked out have turned against the enlightened ones?

  5. 4 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    I think the irony is , they bought it off a company owned by some bloke called. .........Stephen Lansdown 


    Dem gaseads were drooling at the promise of Babestation on a Larger screen .......

    and a montage of Tom Nichols goals ......

    They don’t require a power supply for the montage of Tom Nichols goals! ?

    • Haha 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    See if you can find an Electrical wholesaler while you are there Miah

    Apparently your big screen when it eventually arrived , before they had issues installing it , now can’t work as you don’t have a proper power supply , the correct cabling for it 


    It would seem you never had the right power supply / cabling ......but there again I guess somebody could have driven a tent peg through it ?


    What? Trying to fit ‘Male-To-Male’ I suspect?......which leads us back to this again.....


    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    I'm in Blackpool tomorrow, I'll see if I can get a game of boob cricket going, or maybe punch a donkey.

    And you could pop down the road to Fleetwood for a pre-match pint and some bum fun like your fellow locked out thousands did last season....?


    • Haha 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Does anyone else find it strange that we have signed 3 former Chelsea players on permanent deals and the Fewers haven't signed any?

    Give that Wally is a massive Chelsea fan (with connections, apparently), and given just how wealthy he is, I am amazed they weren't in the frame.

    Seriously though, I do recall the Fewers expecting to take Chelsea youth players on loan, thanks to a special relationship.

    Chelsea want to loan their players out to teams who can give them the proper footballing experience, not to hoofball clubs who just try to continuously kick the ball into outer space for 90 minutes.

    • Haha 3
  9. 42 minutes ago, nebristolred said:

    This has escalated into banter and a bit of a history lesson, but Miah is usually alright and pretty self-deprecating (towards the sags of course) on here to be fair ?.

    Agree. He doesn’t come across as your average Sag like the ones who come looking for bants but then get all defensive and aggressive culminating in them wanting to meet up to re-arrange your shithead face ?.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    I think you may have thought about this too much.

    City went bust  so Rovers fans took the piss - and still do

    Rovers got relegated from the league so City fans took the piss- and still do.

    It's just the way it is.

    Maybe when it comes to painting the picture ? but certain topics that I have discussed with Gasheads over the years have led to bizarre and aggressive reactions.

    This has even been when I have mentioned something about City which has no connection to Rovers in any way.

    I would imagine by the like count of my post that a number of City fans can relate to a lot of what I said. So I guess they have experienced some of the same? There is banter for a laugh and banter through gritted teeth and most Rovers fans I know fit squarely into the latter category.

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

    Rovers are older than us, too, they were around before us but, crucially, in my opinion, they played safe anchoring themselves in the safe harbour of the Southern League, not having the gumption to go out into the choppy waters of the new-fangled professional national, Northern leagues.

    Meanwhile, we were the upstart, younger brother that came from nowhere and took the leap into the shark-infested waters out beyond the comparatively gentle Southern League (largely amateur, anti professional. Unlike the northern Football League, ruthlessly professional. Cut throat) blazing a trail. And not only that, but succeeding, gloriously, almost immediately. 

    We cut a dash, for a while. And were inches from glory; we touched greatness, briefly, but it slipped away. We were amongst the big boys. And then we went back there again with a team we made ourselves in the '70s.

    Rovers have always remained tied to mother's apron strings - taking shelter in the safe harbour of League One and Two, with even a dip back down into the part-time rubbish whence they originated when L2 was too much/rough for them - sucking their thumb, afraid to risk anything more, watching us while we have gone out into the world and tasted some of it's delights and disasters.

    The delights we enjoyed, they bitterly, and enviously resent; the disasters they revel in. They have no glory of their own to eulogise. They had five or six years in the Second Division in the 1950s where they mixed it with, for them, the big boys, and must've thought their moment had come, but it never happened. Back to mummy ever since.

    Rovers have never gone bust like us (1982), because they have never gone boom! like us (not that our boom! is anything to write home about, really). They would never dare! They've never had the bottle (the imagination/the audacity/the ambition/the gumption/the delusion). They won't let go of mummy.

    They like to see it (1982) as evidence of their moral superiority, when in fact it is a defence against their fearfulness and sense of inferiority. 

    They are still a Southern League club, at heart. They despise us because they despise themselves and their gutless, pathetic, fearful dependence on the safety of "mummy" and inability to make or even have a bloody good go amongst the big boys, where the glory is to be found. Like we're currently doing (the Championship, now, is a level way beyond anything they have ever experienced). Again.

    Not that Miah and co will admit this, or even recognise it. 






    Thanks for filling in the historical gaps @Moments of Pleasure ???

    It’s like a mental condition with them. Rather than accepting their own problems and enjoying their own successes they would rather shift the blame onto City.

    When they do bad it’s City’s fault

    When City do well they feel that it is some sort of negative reflection on them and City fans are labelled as ‘arrogant shitheads’ which entitles them to jizz in their pants with excitement when they are successful and hammer it home to those arrogant shitheads.

    Just like 1990, all you heard about was City (not surprising as they were top of the third division for long spells during that season and beat First Division Chelsea 3-1 in the FA Cup). If Rovers had been top for most of the season then no doubt the media spotlight would have been on them, but oh no, to them it was and had always been about a perceived bias towards City and I go back to my point about City getting all of the attention with Rovers ending up ‘forgotten about’.

    So when it comes to beating City and winning the title they feel ‘justified’ in rubbing the shitheads faces in it. Pathetically wearing “Bristol City 1990 - Third Division Champions” T-shirts during their open top bus tour of Kingswood. This somewhat skewed view of reality is then further compounded by Ian Holloway announcing that they have “had to put up with crap from shitheads recently” and following it up by saying “Let’s all play a game tonight if you can? It’s called ‘Find the City Fan’”.

    This is the mentality of life as a Rovers supporter for many (not all).

    They will argue until they are blue in the face that they don’t give a **** about Shitheads and that it is us who is obsessed with them, but they are having a ******* bubble if they think any City fan buys that for one second?

    This is the reason we celebrated their relegation to Non-League football (because they wanted us to cease to exist in 1982) and why we have this massive thread today (combination of 1982 and 1990) and the odd ‘City Relegation Party’ thread.

    All that they have ever banged on about has come back to bite them on the arse....and then they have gone even further The ‘Gift that keeps on giving’.

    They will argue that City ceased to exist in 1982.  The fact is (and the records show) that a Bristol City club has continued the n the football league, but I certainly cannot see any record of Bristol Rovers being in any of the 4 divisions during 2015.....just checked again....nope, no sign of Rovers. So really, banging on about 1982 when they dropped out of the football league altogether is laughable.


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  12. Just one more point.....It is my belief that prior to the 70’s the rivalry between City and Rovers was a lot less bitter than it became. I know a few old timers who would go to City one week and go to Rovers the next quite happily. 

    And certainly even during the 1970’s after the games the City and Rovers players had been known to socialise together off the pitch. It was competitive on the pitch but certainly not as ugly as it was off the pitch. I know that because I have heard it first hand from a Rovers player who was part of the 73/74 promotion winning side under Don Megson and from a City player who played an integral part in City’s promotion winning team of 75/76.

  13. 25 minutes ago, GlastonburyRed said:

    What amuses me with the Gas bleating on about '82, is that '82 is actually quite a long time ago and, what's more, I suspect, without researching it, that we have won more in that time than the Rovers have in their entire existence. 

    They don’t like facts to get in the way of a good story as you know, and if they bothered to do a bit of investigation they would realise that the Bristol City 1982 company finished in 1996. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    Did they?

    I don't think Rovers have any more or less morals than any other business, I just find it ironic that some City fans think 1982 is more of a blot on Rovers history than their own.

    Well the way Rovers fans go on about it you’d think it was?!

    I don’t know any City fan who is bothered about 1982. It was a struggle for power within the boardroom that put the club in financial difficulty. It happens. If I was you Miah I would be very concerned about glaring issues surrounding Rovers immediate future. It doesn’t look too promising does it?

    1982 is in the past, just like Rovers fans.

    What goes around comes around, and for all those Gasheads who laughed and rubbed their hands with glee at the thought of City going bust having had to hear about them week in week out playing in the top flight when the only mention Rovers got was for hooliganism.....tick tock time is almost up.

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    City certainly did 'get away with it'. I think I'm right in saying that the rules were changed to prevent other clubs copying City and of course, been changed several times again since.

    This was stuff that went on behind the scenes. It had nothing to do with the fans. Some fans were shameful when it came to their opinion of the players, but there was a lot of rumours which were untrue flying around at the time. Fans don’t want to see their club die. Rovers fans were no different when the snake signed for City.

    I’d be interested to see what happens if the fake sheikh can’t find a buyer for Rovers. I could see them pulling their money out and sending Rovers right down the swanee. Would be very interesting to see the actions of the so called family club then.

    Rovers wanted to see City go bust and then steal the ground. Nice ?

  16. 16 minutes ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:

    I'm struggling to think of any other club in the Football League that has such an odd fanbase (what other fans would go up to a 7-year-old kid on holiday wearing his City kit and shout 'sheed' in his face? - bizarre behaviour!) - I would wish them to end up in the Southern League or something but the teams in there don't deserve to endure that 'privilege'  

    That doesn’t surprise me at all. I can recall at least 3 40 plus year old Sags saying something similar to me around the age of 12. I was stunned. Proper venomous too. Never known anything like it. 

    Find me a Rovers fan who say’s they are not jealous of City and I’d bet my house on it that the are lying. If the shoe was on the other foot I would be envious of a Rovers being in a decent stadium, playing football in the Championship with crowds of 20k+ seeing players of quality being bought and sold for millions with the slight glimmer of hope of reaching the premier league still a possibility. But they just can’t bring themselves to admit it. They won’t go to ‘Trashton Gate’ even to watch a rugby game. They can’t wear anything with red in it and can never take any friendly banter. Some can take it in small doses but it doesn’t take long before they start seething. I don’t even bother mentioning it anymore to some of the people that I know because it just isn’t worth falling out over. Their wish is to finish one place above City and they are as happy as you like. Shot away. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Bar BS3 said:

    I see that Rovers’ new kit has finally been revealed and in an attempt to seduce their supports and help them forget about the shitstate the club are currently in, its a retro design, “celebrating” 30 years ago, when they had no stadium of their own and were squatting in a different City, in a non league ground. A time that saw them promoted from the level that they are currently playing at, modelled by their new signing who recently helped get their bitter rivals promoted from that division, whilst also scoring for them at Wembley as part of their double winning season. 

    Cute, eh...! 



    1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    It's nice to know that it still hurts you :)

    At the time for me it really hurt. It was the fact that we had thrown the title away when it was in our hands, and fair play Rovers took advantage and won the title, but what followed really made me despise Rovers.

    My first recollection of something distasteful about Rovers was after a defeat at Ashton Gate (which was commonplace in the mid 80’s). I was leaving the ground in complete disbelief how we had lost a match to our closest rivals after literally battering them for 90 minutes. I was walking past the Rovers team coach and looked up and Ian Holloway was sat there laughing like a child and pointing at us. He was clearly loving it and was taunting us as we walked past. I thought ‘what an absolute ******* *****’.

    Fast forward to 1990 and Rovers beat City convincingly at Trumpton to effectively take the title at the very last moment after City had been at the top for the majority of the season.

    Not content with just winning the Championship the people I know (just like Holloway) couldn’t wait to gloat and taunt us. Rather than enjoy it for what it was it was all about ******* City and that was the moment I went from not being to bothered about Rovers to absolutely detesting them, and my feelings have never changed.

    I still see the same reaction whenever misfortune of some kind happens to City, and if it’s Rovers who inflict the damage then it’s 10 fold.

    I’m not bothered about 1990 any more as we won the League One title without breaking a sweat in 2015 and that truly put that to bed, with the icing on the cake being the previous season watching Rovers fall through the trap door (that one exorcised the ‘taunting’ demons of 1990 and that one will hurt your lot forever). 1982 means nothing either as we have moved on.

    Rovers however are stuck in the past. That is all you have got. 1982, 2nd May, Dean Windass, Tote End......all dead and buried like your clubs hopes for the future. Nothing personal Miah as I think you are a decent poster and I know quite a few decent Rovers lads, but nothing would please me more than to see your poxy club go under because of the mentality of your fans base and their “City’s losing” monkey spanking antics.


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  18. 47 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:



    I find all this a little far-fetched.

    Are you seriously expecting us to believe that a s*g has found someone willing to marry him?

    T’is true. One kiddie understood the punching of the horse bit, but they were all in the dark when it came to Come On Eileen. The more me and my mates encouraged them the louder and ’proweder’ they sang it. If the groom had said his missus to be was called Irene I think it would have topped it off. 

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