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Rudolf Hucker

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Everything posted by Rudolf Hucker

  1. Although I accept that it’ll sound too much like ‘ice cream’, I couldn’t cope with hearing ‘kin Irene!
  2. I suffered the same more than a decade ago, requiring a double craniotomy (because the first didn’t work!). It took many long months of recovery and rehabilitation. Thankfully, I came through it successfully. I wish Edwin well.
  3. Sounds as though you’re suggesting, Miah, that you feel that Jevani Brown is attracting somewhat unfair attention on here because a fit, professional male athlete when drunk, assaults not one but two women, which is no worse a crime than many others. I think that is known, these days, as “whataboutery”. I have never, would never, strike a woman, whatever the provocation. I despise any man who would; in my eyes they are the lowest of the low. Yes there are many other crimes worthy of punishment but that’s not at issue here. The fact is that the club which you support has just signed a convicted criminal who has a recognised problem with alcohol. Whichever way you look at it, it’s not a good look for your club although you do seem to be taking on the commendable role of a halfway house for the rehabilitation of offenders. I’m thankful, more than ever, that your club isn’t my club.
  4. The judge said "This will be a blemish on your previous good character," he added. "As a professional footballer you are a role model to many thousands of young people with a great influence on their decisions and lives.” Has he seen the age profile of their crowd?
  5. I suspect that these guys are just supporters, like you and I, with as much knowledge regarding any potential transfer and fee as you and I. It’s always good to hear perspectives from supporters of other teams so I’ll welcome any updates you can supply but I will have pinch of salt near at hand when I read them!
  6. You should be more careful, Phil as there’s a real likelihood that those onions you’re forced to wear around your neck may get caught in the spokes of your bike.
  7. If only they hadn’t mistakenly crossed their eyes …
  8. Those who’ve watched incredulously as Barton has gone unpunished despite his all too regular series of court trials may be calling it the Mercy Tunnel.
  9. I’m surprised that they’ve never approached Nick Knowles to get the DIY SOS Big Build team involved.
  10. That concourse is going to be spectacular - provided you’re four feet tall.
  11. On Talksport earlier they said that 30 yo Wilfried Zaha’s contract with Palace expired today after he turned down their final offer of £200k pw. There really is far too much money in football these days. We really can’t compete with clubs in the Prem which can countenance such colossal salaries. I’d love him to stay with us but were I Alex’s dad, I’d be telling my son to jump aboard the gravy train just as soon as possible.
  12. Wait, wait, wait. Wally splashed out on the new canopy over the bar entrance? Dirty bugger. Babestation must have been wild that night.
  13. Has had the portaloos emptied once a season, every season (whether they needed it or not) Installed Championship ready sprinklers.
  14. As things stand (pardon the pun) away supporters visiting their ground face the prospect of no seats, no cover and probably, no price reduction? I’m sure they’ll all enjoy that! We all do.
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