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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. I remember being at school and having to take a letter home to get permission to watch 'Threads' (A docudrama about nuclear war in the UK that was made and shown by the BBC). But nothing can prepare you for this.
  2. Surprised the Fewers haven't already picked up on this.
  3. They are in danger of falling in to a Building Society*. *If banking had a conference division.
  4. If they film rights get sold, can we call it 'Carry On Camping'? Or has that already been done...
  5. Hasn't Snake scored about a dozen times for us, even though he is used more as a last 20 minute sub?
  6. Given the player was a reserve at Coventry and they wanted him off the books, it wouldn't surprise me if the Fewers paid him handsomely on a short term deal to give him chance to prove himself. Does he have anymore than a season left on his deal?
  7. I'm sure the Fewers are all over this.
  8. They'll have no idea, they have boycotted that particular supermarket for years.
  9. Half day closing down the fruit market, so it won't happen until tomorrow.
  10. Have they submitted their accounts yet?
  11. It was in the post yesterday, LJ confirmed we had an interest.
  12. Sure it is at the Mem? I would have thought they'd have advertised their Championship ready sprinklers.
  13. So a few years before Dwane Sport took over the fewer then.
  14. Ah well. Most of the deleted posts were probably about a vicious attack on a supporter that was only witnessed by a computer repair shop owner.
  15. I can't believe there have been 100 pages of deletions. It isn't exactly difficult to take the piss out of them whilst staying within the forum rules. The constant supply of ammo sees to that.
  16. Tight divison isn't it. If they'd have won last night, they would have been looking at the top half of the table.
  17. Sorry. I must have missed that. I honestly thought they'd got to the final.
  18. Out of interest, how are their Wembley ticket sales going for the Checkatrade final?
  19. Just had a look at the BBC website, didn't know they were playing, they are only listing international games.... Or at least, the bit I looked at did.
  20. Have they submitted their accounts yet?
  21. Just to play devil's advocate... If they player was/is insured, but the insurance company won't pay out because in their view, he wasn't correctly registered with Cardiff and therefore not yet a player, would it not be down to his old club to claim on their insurance? Whatever the reasons are for this payment being disputed, no one is going to come away from this situation with any credit. It really shouldn't be played out in public, not when two families are grieving.
  22. Price Of Football suggested on the weekend that Villa might just be within the limits.
  23. I would be amazed if any further points deductions are made this season. But that is based entirely on me thinking... surely they would have done them all at the same time. If they did apply points deductions, then this division is going to be a strange one this season - especially if Bolton don't get a new owner.
  24. If it's secured against the stadium, then whoever is owed the money would have a claim against the Mem. Assuming the family loaned them the money, then effectively they could walk away with the club in debts that are mounting but without the stadium. I would be very surprised if that did happen however, I think most people still remember Ron Nodes (sp?) I think it was, selling Palace without including the Stadium.
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