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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. Ah well. Most of the deleted posts were probably about a vicious attack on a supporter that was only witnessed by a computer repair shop owner.
  2. I can't believe there have been 100 pages of deletions. It isn't exactly difficult to take the piss out of them whilst staying within the forum rules. The constant supply of ammo sees to that.
  3. Tight divison isn't it. If they'd have won last night, they would have been looking at the top half of the table.
  4. Sorry. I must have missed that. I honestly thought they'd got to the final.
  5. Out of interest, how are their Wembley ticket sales going for the Checkatrade final?
  6. Just had a look at the BBC website, didn't know they were playing, they are only listing international games.... Or at least, the bit I looked at did.
  7. Have they submitted their accounts yet?
  8. Just to play devil's advocate... If they player was/is insured, but the insurance company won't pay out because in their view, he wasn't correctly registered with Cardiff and therefore not yet a player, would it not be down to his old club to claim on their insurance? Whatever the reasons are for this payment being disputed, no one is going to come away from this situation with any credit. It really shouldn't be played out in public, not when two families are grieving.
  9. Price Of Football suggested on the weekend that Villa might just be within the limits.
  10. I would be amazed if any further points deductions are made this season. But that is based entirely on me thinking... surely they would have done them all at the same time. If they did apply points deductions, then this division is going to be a strange one this season - especially if Bolton don't get a new owner.
  11. If it's secured against the stadium, then whoever is owed the money would have a claim against the Mem. Assuming the family loaned them the money, then effectively they could walk away with the club in debts that are mounting but without the stadium. I would be very surprised if that did happen however, I think most people still remember Ron Nodes (sp?) I think it was, selling Palace without including the Stadium.
  12. Doubt it. For all his monetary restrictions, Wally does seem to be a football fan. Granted, a fan of Chelsea, but a fan all the same. Can't imagine for one moment he would see the Fewers fail. If they are moving on, they might well end up taking a loss overall. I would be surprised if they walked away in profit.
  13. And this acquaintance... Doesn't go round wearing a green wig and answers to the name Grotbags by any chance?
  14. By ' big house' do you actually mean, 'pink windmill'? Also, prior to issuing a battering, did Rod start chanting 'there's somebody at the door, there's somebody at the door...'?
  15. I haven't. I don't listen to local radio very often, but it wouldn't surprise me if they got that bloke who did the adverts for Bristol Carpets to do them.
  16. Guess it will be clear when their next set of accounts are released. Any idea when they are due?
  17. Maybe he'll throw his stick out for one of they 'blind dogs' (as they were called in the 70s, before the political correctness mob got involved and decided to call 'em guide dogs instead). Reckon it must be perpetual darkness for then blind dogs. #ProperLogic. ?
  18. I wonder when they will realise that Bath isn't in Bristol?
  19. Don't tell me, Vince had a plan, everything split down the middle 50/50. Rovers said, 'Tell ya what, you pay for everything, and what we will do is agree to buy it off you for a fiver if it all goes tits...' FGR turn this down. Fewers then say, 'okay - why don't we pay for the letters 'R.O.V.E.R.S' on the stadium signage, we will both benefit from that. But we want 70% of everything. In all seriousness though, sounds like an interesting proposal. Was this for a new stadium, or was Dale going to let you take your tents down to his place?
  20. Or if they get relegated, they have to buy a new ticket.
  21. Hahaha. There must be one of us on their media team. I can't believe they have done that, well, I can - but either way...
  22. Bet it isn't live and taking calls and questions from supporters. It'll be a set of pre approved questions all of which he can avoid with his 'famous' NDA stock answer.
  23. The Gift Spunkers.. They're cumming for us.
  24. Thing is, them negotiating the fee down really isn't beyond them.
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