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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. That's your lot. Your sister is your mother. You uncle is your brother.... #relatives
  2. There is a thread on their forum about 'reputational damage' and if Wally and family would want to be shamed by seeing Rovers fold. Given any credibility they might have had at home was probably jettisoned when they took over, I doubt if They'll be shunned down the country club if some lower league outfit no one has ever heard of collapses.
  3. Sadly for them, they think 'Remnants' is a Brazilian midfielder, and not something from Brian Steel's bargain bucket.
  4. Getting out of the conference via the play off system is apparently deemed success.
  5. I'm not sure what they are moaning about. One of them says they need the facilities they deserve... pretty sure they have those currently.
  6. Wonder where he'll get his tent from...
  7. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11297/bristol-city-man-match-thread A matchday thread for our game this evening. Bless em
  8. @Vincent Vega that's appalling. I didn't quote your post as it doesn't need referencing twice. I'll ask the question, but suspect the answer... Are these genuine? (Not the Clarke one, I read that the other day).
  9. You call it a grave. We call it a camp site and some people call it a Memorial Ground. Ahh, the use of language.
  10. 50 want to buy it, but the print run will be just 1. It's the publishing equivalent of being locked out.
  11. I didn't think there was place for reasoned logic on their forum. Anything that suggests we might, possibly, be doing okay seems to result in the poster being called a Ted before they then get banned.
  12. Heaven knows they're miserable now. Panic.
  13. Don't forget the 40,000 they took to Wembley. You know. That 40,000 - the 40,000 who all travelled and attended a game with only about 30,000 in attendance.
  14. That was indeed the one. However the Gashead here has overlooked the fact that 5 parents equal one child. And all 6 of them live in the same house as they're all related.
  15. One post jumped out. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11266/kid-quid-donny
  16. Any attempt to use that acronym on here with 'up' as the first word automatically gets changed.
  17. Just watching Football On 5. Are Rovers secretly hosting rugby matches on the side? Their pitch looks like it has been ploughed. Maybe the championship ready sprinklers have a leak.
  18. Hope the police find them and justice is swift. Like to think the person responsible isn't at home for Christmas.
  19. What are Rovers in now? Second ice age.
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