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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. How does being minority share holders in a Jordanian bank provide 'the contacts' to get you to the Prem?
  2. Won't they need both of their coaches to take their massive away support to a game?
  3. Tent just camps out in the box. Canopies was bought in to provide cover; Sprinkles was signed as a fans favourite, they turn up in hundreds and thousands to support him.
  4. Has Wally sanctioned any spending yet?
  5. My pub plan has been delayed. Apparently I should wait until my phone is charged before heading out, me thinks the Doris might require some sort of 'food delivery'.
  6. Right. I'm going to do stuff. Still want details of that Chinese meal, mind.
  7. What did you order? We need details of all the dishes and the name of the place you got it from. Prepare to be judged.
  8. Might go for a fag. Or out for a pint. Or both. Not sure the radio commentary is going to keep me amused, so I fully expect OTIB to provide me with a detailed and considered view of the action with no over reactions if we concede.
  9. Lego. Solid structure. If you'd have gone to tent land it would have been a different story
  10. Dilemma. Go to the pub to watch the second half of the rugby and have a pint. Stay in and listen to the second half of the city game on the radio with no pint. Dunno what to do.
  11. It's not 'oh' - it's 'Ho-ho-ho'. So Santa says
  12. No idea. He sounded convincing, but then lots of people do!
  13. Bloke in the pub last night reckons the UWE project is dead in the water and isn't going to happen. Rovers don't have the money, Wally doesn't have (or won't put up) the money and backers are thin on the ground. One of the major stumbling blocks is the Mem, for the financial numbers to start adding up and to possibly attract outside investment they need to sell it. This presents two problems. 1. It isn't worth anything like the number Sainsbury's were willing to pay. 2. As a residential investment any buyer would want immediate occupation as the financial outlook is uncertain with the European situation. So with interest rates low, the moment the ink is dry a developer would want to send to bulldozers straight in and not wait for UWE to he built. Does this tie in with anything anyone else has heard?
  14. Kicked off at the bowls last time, mate of mine got JACKED.
  15. Resigned to losing their penalty taker, he can see things are about to get worse rather than better. The noises he is making are those of a man who is positioning himself for a new job, allowing Wally to appoint his own man from the Jordanian league.
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