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Sweeneys Penalties

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Everything posted by Sweeneys Penalties

  1. a fit Andy Carroll is easily worth £8.5k a week. With his record though......I'd only pay him with what in effect would be a nil hours contract (not that I'm in favour of 'em) - if he's training he gets paid. If he's having another lie down through injury, its a waste of money
  2. surely the ones who had been locked out would have been flooding in?
  3. christ I thought we had troubles.... and then the Gastards make me smile
  4. I thought that. No comment about how Nigel feels
  5. Guess he must be due out soon In April 2019, Chris Beek was jailed for 5 years and 10 months for defrauding over £204,000 from four people over a three-year period.
  6. cheer up lads. It's the Snake Derby tomorrow. Mirth to follow within 24 hours
  7. job for...err I dont know. Maybe an ex player like Tim Sherwood
  8. If I recall right, we did a comparison that Bears had Pat Lam (a big name who was having a successful season with the Egg Chasers) and City fans thought we needed a big name too. It's all gone very badly wrong and tbh I'm a bit numb and I'm sat in my study with a laptop and a bottle of Jura. I keep thinking that if there was a simple solution we'd be on it. IMHO it's about desire....and there's a few on the pitch who simply dont have it.
  9. to be fair I also think it's an individuals job to motivate themselves. If the players need a Psychologist...get one in, but not just shrug their collective shoulders and say its down to the players
  10. Soothsayer Soothsayer say me a Sooth.....but in the case of Martin and Wells, if we can offload 'em (from what must be pretty decent wages) I'd agree
  11. Ive no idea what to think any more. This performance was gutless....again. The gut reaction is "sack Nige" but is that really the answer? Damned if I know. This isnt a computer game...this is as it is. And it isnt pretty. We cant lose a life and re set.... we have to live within financial constraints (much like every other club). A magic wand would make all this disappear....but I dont have one of those
  12. Did that in the RUH once.....and Christ I reserved my very best farts for 'em.
  13. even the gastards are winning. Cant have both teams with a W to their name come 5.00
  14. was it Vic that day..... he was a to$$er and a half....I can remember getting home from the game and tuning into 606.... and Danny Baker was right on it
  15. I lived in Sheffs for a while, and constantly heard Barnsley FC referred to as "The Dingles"
  16. well at least he wont have to endure a trip to the swamp this season
  17. I think News Thump on Facebook has it covered ? Losing a football match isn’t in any way analogous to the Holocaust, even if you concede more than three goals. But that doesn’t stop Joey Barton from making the comparison. Bristol Rovers manager Joey Barton has been roundly criticised for comparing poor footballing performance to the Nazi’s systematic murder of six million Jews. But how does one go about comparing trivial events to one of history’s worst atrocities? Barton talked us through his methodology. 1. Have no idea what the word Holocaust means. “I just thought Holocaust meant, like, bad,” explained Barton. “Like when you’re doing a fry up on a Sunday morning and you burn your eggs and you say, ‘Ooh, that’s a bit of a Holocaust’. “The key is to make the analogy so bad that nobody would ever believe that you had the slightest clue what you’re on about. “For example, if your kid dropped his ice-cream and hundreds and thousands went everywhere, saying ‘Argh, it’s a total Holocaust’ would be a bit too good a comparison because the lost sprinkles would be really similar to all those murdered Jews.” No Joey, they wouldn’t. 2. Make the comparison in a very public manner. “I made my apparently insensitive remark when talking to the press after a match – that made sure it would be in all the papers and stuff. “It’s pointless being an ignorant ******* if no one is there to appreciate it. Just this morning I had an absolute Holocaust of a poo but I kept it to myself because there was no one there to listen. “Well, apart from the missus who was in the bath.” 3. Branch out into analogies with other crimes against humanity “If people are getting all arsey about your Holocaust benchmarks then you can start using other war crimes to distract them. “’Oi ref! That offside decision was like the Rwandan genocide!’ That sort of thing. “I have no idea who the Rwandan genocide was or why he’s famous but his name rhymes with offside so that’s good enough for me. “But yeah, I’ve been getting some real flak for the comments I made at the weekend. It’s been quite stressful and incredibly Holocausty.” Again – no Joey, it really hasn’t.
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