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archie andrews

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Posts posted by archie andrews

  1. 8 hours ago, RedRock said:

    They might want to move the bus stop closer to Ashton Gate. If they make that momentus achievement with the Council/Opertors it doesn’t necessarily mean the bus will stop at it! They regularly fly past the stop located at The Cumberland Basin stop when they see football supporters waiting.

    If I was Steve Lansdown, I’d rip into this pathetic excuse of a mayor and embarrass him on the national stage. Think Sir Steve has a greater media platform than some jumped-up politician.

    We could start with the investment Steve’s made in Bristol, the PR, the income generated and then turn to the dear ‘Mr Fix It’ Mayor. Highlight the 1000 space park and ride that stands empty next to the stadium during matches and has done for the past decade while local streets are congested with parked cars, the new multi-million pound Metrobus ‘service’ that takes in as many congested roundabouts and the most tortuous route possible from The Centre to Ashton Gate and has no stop next to the Ground and no buses that stop for football supporters, the railway next to the Ground that has been derelict for decades and when planned to open doesn’t has a stop for an entertainment venue that is the largest in the region ...and on and on.


    Oh, nearly forgot, to cap it all off and make access to the Ground virtually impossible by any means ... the proposed diesel exclusion zone taking in the biggest open area in Bristol with the least impact on residents health ..unsurprisingly being the key access road to The Gate. 

    Seriously, only a bitter Mayoral Saghead  who wants to prevent City achieving anything could come up with such crap. 


    Well said sir..... The blokes a pillock..... Underground trains :laugh: 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Fewers are playing Portsmouth today. As per, Portsmouth have sold out their allocation and it isn't unusual for ticket less fans to travel.

    You would imagine therefore that the game would be all ticket.

    Apparently it isn't. Expect scenes.

    pompey play up...…..

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

    They just can’t help themselves, he says that they (City) get over 15,000 (its actually over 20,000) and Rovers get under 10,000 (it’s actually under 8,000) so the gap is actually 12,000 on an average home game, not 5,000 as implied in order to give the impression that there’s not much in it


    our average this season over 22000 theres say 8000...…leaves 14000 don't it?

  4. 53 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

    This stuff they come out with on a regular basis really does deserve a wider audience. Surely no-one would believe it`s not some sort of parody.

    what is their obsession with pasties too?...….blaming lower crowds on not enough for sale...…….

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  5. 1 hour ago, slartibartfast said:

    F+++ me..............this forum is getting overrun by Fewers!

    I expect they'll be claiming on asschat that they've "taken" OTIB !

    Mind you this is only cyberspace, never happened in the real world......I guess they think it's far safer this way ! :P

    the tote end must have been one of the most taken ends in Britain 60s/70/80s......

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