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Everything posted by ZiderEyed

  1. What a piece of work is Antoine? How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals.
  2. No need for the imho Davros. Got beaten twice by two good players. Had Max stepped out a second earlier then he'd have been saved on the first, and had a moment of madness on the second, while trying to redeem himself for his earlier 'mistake'. Fine margins, and easy for those who haven't really played the game to call that a bad performance (imho). He did very well with his control and distribution of the game.
  3. Annoying bit is how true this is for him. Wonder if he's had any individual sports psychology work done. I love him to bits, but as soon as the instict gives way to the thought processing he struggles.
  4. Likes a tackle. Likes a pint, likes a brawl, likes a scone, too.
  5. Absolutely off my rocker at present. Merry Christmas all you foul OTIB degenerates, and have a particularly merry new year. Drink lots, have fun, disregard everyone's thoughts. Be good to one another. Have a beautiful Xmas from the horrible shithole that is Southampton, St Mary's, ZE
  6. Dropped my phone and smashed it to pieces before kick off, so have no imagery to remind me of that night. The bloke next to me in S26 was imploring me to record it, and god I wish I had something left of it. I've never heard Ashton Gate as noisy and as terrifying as that, I felt like it was destined to happen. It was so loud, every single part of the ground was vibrating and perfectly in tune with the movements of the players - beyond football, one of the most oddly beautiful things I've ever seen live. It still doesn't feel real, and if that makes us sound small time then **** it, I don't care. I watched that ball bounce past Romero and I will take that with me through the rest of my life.
  7. Actually, dismissing the thoughts and opinions of young athletes evinces autocratic coaching behaviour, which again is very outmoded. Most athletes want to have a dialogue with a coach, and understand why they are doing certain sessions, rather than jogging round a pitch endlessly with some despot in tight shorts and raybans screaming obscenities at them. Do trigger warning even exist? When was the last time you met a student or saw inside a university by the way? Just because it pops up in the Daily Mail doesn't mean it actually happens.
  8. Woke central ??? Answer is that you need more than a glorified drill sergeant. Archaic autocratic coaching styles have more or less evaporated because they are completely useless coaching younger players. All current academic research on coaching and learning processes says that the personality and style of a coach needs to mesh with a player. A generation of footballers who don't want to be shouted at unnessecarily? You need to adapt or you'll die off. Move with the times or be consigned to the dustbin of history.
  9. Not all that new any more but cool and semi-recent nonetheless
  10. Anyone got that clip of Fabian Delph explaining City fans singing "is this a library" to him at the Etihad? So glad I got to see him play in the flesh.
  11. The champagne of victory: Reading other teams forums and sucking up the sadness as if by osmosis. UTFC
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