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Numero Uno

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Posts posted by Numero Uno

  1. 51 minutes ago, Burt_ said:

    By the way,  it's not a dig or anything.  I'm just genuinely interested to find out at what point he lost you.

    I can't speak for others but I would say that post Southampton has confirmed for many what they were thinking before we went to Coventry and got a result, then beat Middlesbrough and then the 3-0 (Tins said it so it must be true.........) drubbing of said Real Madrid on Sky. You cannot ignore the stats since Boxing Day and you certainly cannot ignore an overall league losing record that now stands at 48% and seemingly rising. The one game we have won in the last six was some of the worst football I've seen down the Gate for literally years. Total boredom from start to the point I walked out.

    When we beat Middlesbrough 3-2 early doors there was a Nige Out Merchant who quoted "isn't it refreshing to see a win delivered like that by a Progressive Young Coach". I thought at the time "that's a bit early" and you have to wonder what the Nige Out Fan Club think about it all right now. There doesn't seem to be many of them here to tell us though for some odd reason. Their boy is literally at the point of needing several snookers to save his job and that's not something I say with any relish either. If any of you are reading the forum right now I think it is your mob that are just as responsible the mess we are currently in on the pitch as Chas and Dave supposedly running it.

    You lot have played a large part in significantly disrupting a football club that was going along unspectacularly but nicely and also, should the almost inevitable happen bar a miracle, potentially disrupting the career of the progressive young coach you spoke of in the "old days" for some time. Next time, Be Careful What You Wish For lads.....

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  2. 8 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    But if we were gonna beat a team, a Russell Martin team, it was gonna be exactly like that.  The problem is we’ve not recreated that type of performance in the league.  Yep, top drawer counter attacking performance. Other decent counter attacking performances include Ipswich and Coventry. Middlesbrough was a great 45 followed by a horrendous 45. Watford (a) was different - that’s probably the only time I’ve seen a good Manningball performance over 90 mins.  Yep, fantastic dominant performance, the last and possibly ONLY such performance he has produced in 23 attempts.

    What has become more apparent over the period is the over-reliance on the block, and unfortunately (for us fans) it seems to be at the expense of any real attacking game-plan.  The three key words, not one game here or another there.

    Manning has added very little, and taken away quite a lot (imho).  The crux of it.  He’s not been awful, but I don’t build hope from one game, but I will give him / the players credit for that game. He's not been awful ALL OF THE TIME but he is one game away from losing HALF his games in over half a season from the day he got here. Lose half your games over a WHOLE season and have a guess where you generally end up? There aren't many teams that win 17, draw 6 and lose 23.......he needs a very good 8 games now to save his skin because these stats are only heading in one direction.


  3. 1 hour ago, AshtonGreat said:

    Care to elaborate?

    Haha are you serious?

    The funny thing is, though, that game against Fulham with literally a team of kids who scrapped a 0-0 draw against a team that should have obliterated us and was a game where fans were given something to get behind. We then struggled as we inevitably would in the circumstances and ultimately brought in a Player Manager who was chalk and cheese to the bore in charge now.

    If you want to introduce a siege mentality, us (including the fans) against everyone, Terence Cooper showed you how it’s done. Literally paid out of his own pocket for the lads to EAT on the way home from away trips. HIS boys. Showed plenty of emotion, got lads of limited ability running through brick walls. Fans right on board with it. Truthful, approachable.

    Compare that to todays current siege mentality, billionaire club owner and board v punters, organised by entitled staff who think 30 years service (less the breaks……) entitle them to a top job taking plenty of dosh out of the club and not having to perform in return. Untruths everywhere, leaks all over the shop. Propaganda being peddled.

    It was awful at times back then, but for different reasons it feels worse now.

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  4. 4 hours ago, David Brent said:

    If we somehow win 6 of the next 8 then the last 6 months will definitely be forgotten by BT and JL. 

    That's what boils my piss. Tinnion wanting to be ten points better off yet had his front foot manager been able to beat a number of poor sides since Boxing Day we would have most of those ten points if not all. He couldn't even manage a draw between the lot of them.

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  5. 14 hours ago, AshtonGreat said:


    I think if we'd lost every game under his tenure, then I'd be calling for his head right now. The fact is, though, there have been glimpses of good quality - and i'm curious to see what he could do given a transfer window

    We haven’t lost all the games, just 48% of them. If Leicester beat us he’s lost HALF of them spanning half a season. If that’s not a massive concern I don’t know what is tbh.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Sir Geoff said:

    What the Lansdowns fail to understand is that building momentum takes time. In the cases of Luton and Brentford 2/3 years.

    We were on that trajectory and in my opinion 18 months from cracking into the play offs / top 6.

    100%. Unfortunately it was Jon Lansdown and a minority of vocal supporters who couldn’t see it and Steve allowed the ensuing calamity to occur because of it. Progress was slow but we were making progress and had the previous set up been given the investment that Manning or his replacement will get we would not only have moved forwards but achieved it spending less money overall (not having to pay settlements for a start).

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  7. 32 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I think JP spoke a lot of truth last night when he said the club want to achieve promotion in a pure way. 

    They want purity and that wouldn't be the case if NP got us promotion. 

    Because rightfully NP would have got the plaudits. They didn't like that, thats not purity in their eyes. 

    This obsession with purity is bloody bizarre. 

    But that purity reason was one of the reasons he was sacked. 

    Boogles the mind that they knew he could get us promoted but didn't want us to get promoted with him in charge. My brain can't figure out that mentality.

    What is getting promoted in a "pure" way? I'm all ******* ears on this...................

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  8. 14 minutes ago, Gert Mare said:

    Too late.

    I would have taken him a few years back to get us up out of the Championship and I think he could have achieved that. 

    The Premier League is a different ball game and I wouldn’t have backed him there.

    Instead we threw money at someone who managed to be sacked twice in a season within the same year - Lee Johnson.

    Now we’ve got another manual swallower with less personality but equally as frustrating.

    I would have said he was more of a manual spitter...........

  9. 2 hours ago, BS3 Ark at Ee said:

    Does anyone think that Manning is actually feeling the pressure? He says he’s not on social media but Tinnion is so surely Brian knows how we’re all feeling? 

    When he says he can't control how supporters think that tells you all you need to know. If I was him, cos you can guarantee he knows where he stands now if he didn't a week or two ago, I'd be tempted to have a go against both Leicester and Plymouth and if he picks up three points from those two he gets more time. However the way we set up on Saturday was pure fear until the game was lost so I can't see that happening.

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  10. 9 minutes ago, Sir Geoff said:

    As has been reported numerous times, it wasn't a toxic atmosphere and there were about 50 in S82 singing'we want Pearson out.'

    Yes if he'd been sacked the next day there would have been a few grumbles on here but most including the infamous 'cult of nige.' Would have accepted it.

    The real cult is the “anyone but Nige” mob, exactly the people who advise us to careful what we wish for which is slightly ironic. Nobody wished for the current results and performances that’s for sure!! They started all this and now seem to be missing.

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  11. It would appear that many would like to go back to something nearer Nige as our next manager. The obvious question is what experienced manager will work under our set-up? If they are experienced guess who they will almost certainly know and sound out first?!!

    Unfortunately, if we get rid of Manning I see nothing but a similar type of manager coming in........only "this one we've got cock on lads, he's much better, cross my heart and hope to die, trust us on this one innit". Knowing our Board we'll go from Liam Manning straight to someone who learned from John Beck.

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  12. 18 minutes ago, red panda said:

    Are we in administration or liquidation?  Do players and club staff still receive their wages?  Do we owe a huge amount to HMRC?  Are we paying millions in interest to external lenders?  Have we been relegated to the third tier, fourth tier or out of the league altogether?  Do our owners have an appalling human rights record that we try not to mention?  Are we on our eleventh manager in the last four years?  Are we facing one or more points deductions?  Is our ground unfinished or falling apart?  Do we have an owner who brazenly ignores FFP regulations then blames everyone else when sanctioned?  Did we build a new ground which we never filled and then had to leave?  Do we have Tony Pulis or Joey Barton as manager 😱?

    After initially supporting Manning, I now think he ought to be sacked.  It just didn't work.  Things could certainly be better.  But they could also be a hell of a lot worse!

    We aren't on the same side of the debate but what you say above makes complete sense tbh. However, the frustration comes when a manager is sacked and the Board, having every opportunity to coherently explain themselves end up making a complete horlicks of it and in many statements are resorting to downright untruths that, as I've said previously, take five minutes to disprove on the internet (e.g. McKenna's record which was an incredibly stupid thing to say without being 100% sure of the facts). Some untruths aren't so easy to prove but now seem to be surfacing via in the know local journalists like James Piercy. Fans are not daft and information is very easy to acquire in this day and age (especially with all the loose lips at the HPC), for example this forum knew about Twine's injury DAYS before the club informed us.

    We also have a situation where a member of the hierarchy appears to be "feeding" propaganda to someone they perceive to be an influential voice of the fans, someone who has no filter and cannot keep their mouth shut. We also had the bizarre situation on here where "this red" and "that red" were signing up as new members trying to push an agenda and haven't been seen since Boxing Day with a minor amount of detective work showing in some cases that their origination comes from a certain sporting empire in the region.

    It's the behaviours (yes, I use that term deliberately) around their decision making that causes some to perhaps go over the top and say things like the "club is a car crash". You explained eloquently enough that in real terms it isn't really that but the decision makers (I am not talking Steve now) only have themselves to blame and have demonstrated an uncomfortable amount of unprofessionalism and lack of qualifications to be in post (imo of course).

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  13. 23 minutes ago, spudski said:

    Luckily for City, I feel many will renew season tickets regardless. 

    Many fans live in hope, don't want to lose their seat, FOMO, just in case someone else is appointed. Others it's just a ritual they do regardless, as the football is just part of the day out. 

    Last season of unconditional renewal for me as long as Tinnion is running the football side of things. My sidekick confirmed yesterday they have no interest in renewing whether Manning goes or not. I will wait until the last couple of days to renew but from next season it's a pure "Customer Satisfaction Survey". The club via Binary Boy have actively taken the emotion out of it so two can play that game. Don't perform or tv scheduling stupid then no renewal. In addition if we get more City v Swansea style football I'll start missing games long before I decide whether to renew anyway. It's shit and certainly not worth the effort travelling to watch that tbh. Liam Manning is strangling the life out of the club presently with his Binary Ball.

    There is certainly no FOMO either. Fear of missing a Tommy Conway backpass to Max from the opposition corner flag? Then Max taking instruction too literally, going backwards and launching it over the Atyeo into Ashton Park (or sideways over the Dolman obviously into Mandela House)......... I mean, who the **** in their right mind would want to miss that?

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  14. 1 hour ago, Bazooka Joe said:

    It’s all speculation about the “8 games to turn it round”.

    And even if this was the case, what does this actually mean in reality?

    Knowing our three numpties, they will not set Manning a specific points target, because that will leave them with no wriggle room.

    If he secures a measly 5 points from the last eight games, they will probably frame that into having turned things round and good enough reason to carry on with this shambolic project.

    Tough as it might seem to some, I’d set Manning a target of 15 points minimum from these remaining games, to make up for the appallingly low points haul he has already accrued.

    He should be judged on his entire tenure, and not solely on these last 8 games.

    Get where you are coming from. If he was to achieve say 8 points in his last 8 games the "Nige Out" Fan Club would jubilantly proclaim he has turned it round, hoist the lad on their shoulders and carry him down North Street or something. However 8 points in 8 would give him a total record of 34 from 31, which is crap, and 20 points from his last 22 games which is absolute litter. So yeah, he does need a very decent points haul if these 8 games decide his future.

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  15. 1 minute ago, LondonBristolian said:

    It all adds to a sense of a situation running out of control and nobody having a handle on it. I'm sure whoever decided to use Ian Gay as a conduit for leaks has underestimated his complete lack of filter but it feels like the club are misreading and misjudging everything at the moment. 

    Yes, and worse still they also seem to lack the nous to recognise they took the wrong option and rein themselves in a bit!! I know Jamie Carragher gets a lot of stick but wasn't it him who said "when you make one mistake don't go and make another straight away trying to rectify it"?

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  16. 1 minute ago, Robbored said:

    What’s your take on ‘emotions’ in Manning speak PF?

    Whatever it means (and I understand what it means) you have ex-pro's watching us and not liking what they are seeing. That is more important than semantics right now.

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  17. Just now, slartibartfast said:

    Don't know much about the bloke, don't buy or subscribe to EP, what's his background ,is he local, a fan  ?

    No, think he's just a professional journalist who understands what he's talking about. The Few hated him at the start of the season because he didn't stick his nose up Joey's arse and instead wrote similar pieces to those he writes for us before they were able to bring the normal North Korean style journalist in full time.

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  18. 3 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Absolutely. Sadly there is unlikely to be any improvement on that front in the near future though. 

    This is my big concern. They will be thinking "get rid of Liam, the fans will get off our backs and it will all calm down a bit" as if that's the solution. Liam Manning is the symptom not the cause.

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