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Reigate Red

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Posts posted by Reigate Red

  1. 1 hour ago, Red Right Hand said:

    0-0 FT. With Oxford playing Coventry tomorrow, it`s guaranteed the s*gs will be in the bottom four come tomorrow night.

    Happy days.


    Edit. They might just scrape out of it if Wimbledon lose at Gills (currently 0-0)

    Not with Wimbledon and Shrewsbury both winning at the moment :fingerscrossed:

  2. 6 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

    Can you technically see a fart ? supposing there's no ' follow through ' . 

    I reckon the only way to see one would be if the perpetrator was wearing dusty trousers and a little fart shaped cloud accompanied the emission. 


    Given some of the noxious smells that I have inhaled over the years I could well imagine there could be a green tinge to them :gasmask:

  3. 56 minutes ago, miser said:

    Crawley - best atmosphere ever for an end of season kickabout!

    Yep I went with my daughter and had to explain what all the fuss was about as we counted down:

    3 minutes and the gas are down

    2 minutes and the gas are down 

    1 minute and the gas are down

    0 minutes and the gas are down - cue mental scenes

  4. 3 hours ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

     I have a 'disposable' email address which I have used over the years only to receive any and all communications BCFC related. This includes season tickets, OTIB etc. I've had this same email address for well over ten years.

    Today at 12.28pm, for the very first time ever, I received an email to that address containing the Bristol Rovers Weekly Newsletter. Am I alone in suddenly receiving this? Suddenly, I don't want to look in my inbox because I feel that its integrity has been defiled.

    Has Bristol Sport been hacked? Is it WikiLeaks? Is it Russia? Is it the Jordanian Secret Service? Is it Henbury Gas? We need answers ...

    Me too -  I initially stared in disbelief. Must be the Russians with a cyber attack on the nations well being.

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