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Everything posted by Offside

  1. The OP has made me feel a bit better because we have been dreadful this season and have looked every inch a relegation side. Thank god there are those teams below us whose points tally is so low.
  2. I know these things are subjective, but it’s a weird list. I don’t know how bland stadiums like Bournemouth’s make the list, whereas decent traditional grounds like Portman Road don’t. Villa Park often features quite high on lists like these, and even though it’s a nice looking stadium the facilities for away fans were awful considering they have mostly been a Premier League team for a long time.
  3. The stuff of nightmares. But still not as laughable as that quartered garbage worn by the basements.
  4. Bang Bang You’re Dead - Dirty Pretty Things
  5. February Stars - Foo Fighters
  6. When I saw the pic in this thread there was something familiar about it - now I remember seeing it on the front of this book (picture quality not very good). I don’t have the book, but I remember looking at it in a book shop after I saw AG on the cover.
  7. I think it’s Paul Fitzpatrick too (our player on the right closest to the camera).
  8. When I Paint My Masterpiece - Bob Dylan
  9. Congratulations!! Welcome to the world fellow red!
  10. Merry Christmas everyone!
  11. From what I remember he claimed Marv’s goal was lucky. Such a ****.
  12. It’ll be interesting to see how he gets on.
  13. I like Weimann, he is a key player who we missed last season. He’s been inconsistent this season. He also seems to have lost some pace - he was always quick rather than explosively fast, but that injury seems to have had an effect. But he’d always be in my first 11.
  14. Murder, Tonight, In The Trailer Park - Cowboy Junkies
  15. Same here! Xmas seems to be appearing very suddenly this year. Nothing at all to do with my bad planning……
  16. Red Shoes by the Drugstore - Tom Waits
  17. It was a brilliant night. My kids still talk about it. What an atmosphere.
  18. With Wells, Dasilva and Palmer barely featuring and presumably on high wages they are the ones we need to shift. Weimann is at an age where I don’t think we’d get much for him if we sold him, plus he’s a key player who it would be very difficult to replace. I agree that Massengo is our main asset financially, but I really hope we don’t cash in. His energy in midfield is essential, with James lacking mobility, King needing to be used carefully, Bakinson being inconsistent and Williams in and out through injury.
  19. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go - Wham
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