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Everything posted by Selred

  1. Not surprised playing King and Kadji there.
  2. Actually you could say he's accountable to his staff. If we go down, many would be made redundant.
  3. "Not accountable to anybody" is a poor way to run a business. And especially a football club. Yes he owns the club, but I and many many others including yourself have emotional investments into the club. I think he is accountable to that.
  4. Just to add, I'm not the one protesting. But if I were, it would be against the Owner / Owner's Son and the way the club has been managed. Less so vs Pearson (but I'd not be upset if he went). We are where we are (FFP issues) due to Lansdown. He owns the club, the buck stops with him. I think he's done great things, infrastructure wise brilliant. Running a club, less so. The new CEO does look a good hire, finally a football person with experience in the role.
  5. The owner and chairman who oversaw the damage are still at the club though. I am conscious a lot was due to Ashton, but he should of been managed far better, and never been allowed to get us into the state we are.
  6. And this should be the main issue. They should be protesting about how badly the club has been run. The reason we have FFP constraints is because it's been badly badly managed.
  7. Should be against the board, rather than Pearson. I don’t think Pearson is the best man for us. I wouldn’t be upset if he left tomorrow. However the fact the board allowed Ashton and co to leave us in the state when we can only afford players on free transfers, with little value left in the squad, they should be held accountable.
  8. But him tweeting was a rarity, rather than any angle of him preferring Rugby to Football.
  9. Against Gay Marriage, so applies to go on the most LGBTQ+ event possible!?
  10. I believe he's actually fluent, spoke Spanish when he signed for Los Angeles FC!
  11. Does number 27 mean 27th signing of the window?
  12. Not actually a bad idea. If there was a more us vs them atmosphere we may be more competitive. Too casual on the field and in the stands.
  13. Bring back "through the belly to win a telly".
  14. He stopped play for the foul, then booked the player. You’re nitpicking here, just because he didn’t wave advantage doesn’t mean he didn’t get the decision right in the end.
  15. Scott fouled them first. Then was fouled. Therefore free kick to Swansea, and a card to the Swans player who fouled Scott after.
  16. I was talking about earlier this season under Pearson. Holden was dire, and currently we aren’t playing much better.
  17. We had a style of play then. Yes we made errors at the back, but it was exciting attacking football. Taking the game to teams on the front first. God knows what our style is now, keep ball at the back and then hoping for the counter attack. So one dimensional.
  18. If direct football gets us results then I’ll take it. We are hardly playing free flowing glamorous football right now. Why isn’t Pearson trying a new formation. People were up in arms because NP was playing a striker and centre mid as part of a back 5, with Atkinson not getting a look in. I believe the issue is becoming tactical as much as it’s personnel.
  19. Surely we aren’t the only club in this situation though?
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