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Everything posted by Selred

  1. How would you change that so you hear more?
  2. But would you call an average player who played for 1 club a journeyman?
  3. A little debate from the Albert thread, so be good to see what everyone thinks of the word journeyman to mean.
  4. In your opinion. I haven't heard of the other meaning until today to be honest. Looking online most major newspapers have used the term journeyman as in many clubs.
  5. I've always considered it a player with a lot of clubs. How do we do a poll on here to see?
  6. In American English, a journeyman or journeywoman is an athlete who is technically competent but unable to excel.[15] The term is used elsewhere (such as in British and Australian contexts) to refer to a professional sportsman who plays for numerous clubs during their career
  7. He hasn’t played for Preston.
  8. Two assists, hit the post, and just narrowly wide. All mainly from his own doing.
  9. Agree with Basso, not our best all round keeper (I think Heaton would take that), but would be best in 5 a side. Webster - Easy. Two footed, skilful, great. I'd be tempted to then put in Trundle (think he's made for 5 a side), JET (same as Trundle), perhaps Bryan because he has the defensive abilities to partner Webby, but also a cracking shot on him.
  10. Half and half in my opinion. You either ensure the only people in each blocks are the ones who have tickets there before the game, or not at all. You don't do it at half time after telling people to go stand elsewhere in the first half.
  11. We tried to to go to the block where our tickets were before the game, but was told the block was full, so had to go to a different block. Now imagine one of us went downstairs at half time to go for a wee, and weren't allowed to go back to block with us.... see the issue now?
  12. We got there before kick off, went to our seats but the steward said the block was full so we had to go to another block. In the second half they were saying people couldn't come to our block without a ticket for the block.... Ridiculous. Luckily they changed their approach once quite a few people kicked off. Was unnecessary and could of ended quite nasty to be honest, through their own fault.
  13. Where was he in the ground? Do you know the block? And can you share the reason?
  14. Didn't have Pato down as this type, such a shame. I can totally understand him feeling he deserves a higher salary after playing so well, but this is very poor behaviour.
  15. Off to Clifton Lido on Friday for Swim and Dine (brunch). Looking forward to it after watching it featured on a Fred Seriex show about the West Country last Christmas.
  16. Pretty sure we had a 24 year old centre back thrown out by Mitrovic after 15 mins, missed the rest of the game too.
  17. I don't know what you mean? I don't know how you can say West Ham will be in a relation battle. Got a good young squad, plus £100mil to spend next summer when Rice goes.
  18. Bobby Reid? What about Olympians who played multiple sports? Victoria Pendleton recently took up horse riding I believe?
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