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Everything posted by Selred

  1. I agree, the cost is horrendous. However I don't understand people's right to have the games for free. Even though it's in internationally broadcast, we should we get it free and not people abroad? We are all in lockdowns. I also understand football has a lot of money, but don't see people saying Amazon should give prime away for free during lockdown. Business is business.
  2. Every game is now broadcast, but through PPV I thought? My main point was around EFL to be fair.
  3. But the reason they are going bust is because of the pandemic plus films being sold to streaming services. Just sell the films to cinemas first, and then cinemas would survive. Bond should of been the saviour of the cinemas this winter, now they are running dross left over and no-one wants to go.
  4. But why not just show it in cinemas rather than set their own up? There is no benefit for them to set up their own, it won't be worth the investment. The reason isn't the cinemas are taking a %, but streaming services are offering a lot of money.
  5. Cinema's arent the profit maker you think they are. It makes much more sense to lease the films to cinema chains who already have the set up, in locations etc.
  6. Isn't that just a normal cinema? I mean most commercial films are only from a handful of studios...
  7. What's the score of our game tomorrow mate?
  8. I Believe In A Thing Called Love - The Darkness
  9. If this goes to a streaming service it'll be the final nail in the coffin for cinemas sadly.
  10. Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
  11. Surely thats a picture, not an actual tank, or otherwise has Bill Gates hired the worlds tallest man to scuba diver?
  12. Manhatten Transfer - Chanson d'Amour
  13. If you're going to retrain then I'll say it's so much more complex than that ? Pretty much spot on all joking aside. Just be looking at the total impacts for the sites, but shall be bought in a generic pack rather than paying extra for specific sites.
  14. That's actually my job, I am a media planner. To be fair it would probably of been a generic buy across Bristol with Clear Channel who own the bus advertising space rather than picking specific I expect. If there were only a few then I'd of said it was hand picked but it sounds like they are all over Bristol.
  15. Is this a hint? Is it Brie Larson? Edam Driver? Mozerelle Fanning?
  16. Think it matched 06-07 on points but the tries scored massively outweighed then.
  17. Beauty and The Beast - Angela Lansbury
  18. Every Breath You Take - The Police
  19. Casino Royale Man With The Golden Gun On Her Majestys Secrets Service
  20. https://twitter.com/ntfc/status/1308317652096487425 Do you thing gang.....
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