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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. I guess we are looking at the following players as being in the mix as starters: O’Leary (1) Tanner Vyner Atkinson Naismith Pring Dasilva (6) Sykes Scott James Williams (4) Wells Semenyo (2) 11 / 13 legitimate starters. Then the following definite on the bench (assuming Bentley not off): Bentley King Bell (3) And then the probables: Kadji (1) And then the possibles (1 / 4) Martin Taylor-Clarke Massengo Klose (4) I do think Nige will stick with a back three to start with and my guess is that Dasilva will be in the bench with Sykes.
  2. I know this is gonna be a ridiculous thing, but with Bentley, Massengo, Dasilva out of the line-up are we missing some player songs for the crowd to at least generate some noise? Can’t seem to recall a player song sang since football returned after the WC?
  3. That is a great article, so much speculation without much base.
  4. Swansea interested in Ogbene. Also had two unsuccessful bids for a championship player. No idea if the two are linked.
  5. He’s playing in a struggling side. He’s a wide man originally who’s seriously bulked up and now plays predominantly central and is a handful. Quick too. 6 in 18 starts, is reasonable enough he’s the type of player we should be looking at in the market we are RoI International too, few goals for them.
  6. In fairness SL (and JL to a much lesser extent) have communicated to us fabs much of what is “speculated in this thread.
  7. We aren’t in for anyone officially at this point!!! ? i do know he’s a player we have looked at previously. OOC this summer, no current intention to sign a new deal, I guess because of Rotherham’s position. Whether he’d jump out if the frying pan into another frying pan I don’t know. But I’m encouraged that this type of player is on our radar. As for Semenyo fee, no idea, but from the rumours it appears Bournemouth want him, so that strengthens our position on fee. My guesswork is we will get an initial fee of at least £10m…add ons who knows…a sell-on percentage at least. Semenyo or Ogbene? ?
  8. https://www.financialfairplay.co.uk/scmp.php
  9. If true, perfectly fine practice to do that…as long as City authorised it.
  10. The first question you have to ask is why the last two years have been like this? You need to look at underlying cause not current symptom. I agree we can’t survive doing “this” for five years. But don’t you think “we” are trying to do something about it, at least on the football side so that we start to move forward? Because I think we are / have. It’s called a rebuild, it takes time, it’s quite painful at times. A transfer window is when the reality hits for fans. Other team’s strengthening their squads, ours looking weaker through transfer speculation and / injuries. It is quite possible we sit here on 1st Feb with no new players! That’s pretty crap. But what can we do about it if there’s no money? For me it’s get behind the team, try to create an atmosphere that helps our players, put off the opposition, not the other way around. It might make a difference. Do you think “welcoming the players off the bus” whilst shouting #pearsonout is gonna help the players, because that is the underlying message of Forzaeastenders protest, that they want the manager out and it’s the owners that control that.
  11. Just to add in my 2p re lost revenues, need to be mindful that tv rights are split into two main brackets: football league pool - circa £3.5m (the EFL TV Deal) solidarity payments - circa £4.5m (from the PL TV Deal) Lg1 clubs get around £3m
  12. Very early on, keeper went over the top studs up, caught O’Dowda. Right on the edge of the box, red card or penalty.
  13. Erratic keeper. Brilliant some days, not so others.
  14. That might be exactly what we do (being prudent)….but we don’t have to. That was the question I answered - how much could we spend. We could probably spend the lot as per my stupid initial scenario! ?
  15. We don’t know…like Senenyo’s £12m, I don’t think the likes of Alex Crook know the exact amount nor the maje-up of any deal…because no deal has been structured yet. Picture this: WW - we are interested in Alex Scott, how much are you after BC - £25m WW - oh, bye i don’t believe we go in and say “£20m + £5m add-ons”. That comes as you start to enter negotiations.
  16. Me and MrP will differ here. Here’s my stab…lots of caveats though! As it stands I think with the forecast spend for the rest of the season we are just inside FFP boundaries (with covid allowances of an unknown amount spread over the 3 impacted seasons). So, if we did nothing in this window we’d just about be okay. That’s my starting point. This is where it gets a bit more complicated, or rather than complicated, you have to understand what happens to the cost of a signing when they sign and the period of their contract. Let’s say we get £20m and assume we owe Guernsey Sweet FA. That’s £20m transfer profit in this year’s accounts. That means we are now £20m inside the FFP Limits for the cycle ending summer 2023. It also means that the cycle ending next season (summer 2024) we are miles inside too. We could go out and buy a £15m player on a 6 month deal and pay them £200k p.w for the rest of this season. That would eat up the £20m in 6 months and leave us inside FFP still. But what we would more sensibly do is: get in a few really strong loans at say £20k p.w. each / loan fee £0.5m. Would cost us £3m. Whilst we sit on the rest of the money until the summer, keeping our powder dry until we know for sure we are still in this division. buy a few players, say 3 x £3.5m on £15k p.w. On 3.5 Yr deals. Costs of £0.375m wages each and £0.5m each in amortisation this season. £2.625m in total this season, but the next 3 years we’d be committed to £0.75m wages x 3 and £1m amortisation x 3…total £5.25m. Over the 3.5 yrs those 3 would cost us circa £18m or bit of a mix of the above etc etc This is why I chuckle a bit when someone says “if we sell Scott for £20m he can spend half of it” (or whatever). It just doesn’t work like Football Manager led you to believe it did in their game 15 years ago! It’s all about looking at the total cost of players against projected incomes and budgets over a 3-5 year plan / forecast. I have some basic spreadsheets that attempt (poorly) to look at the player costs over a period of time. The football club will have much more complex stuff and ability to do “what-if” scenarios. So the real answer is - somewhere between some of it and all of it! Hope the above helps?
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