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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. That would be nice if we can manufacture some funds in the next window. Got to say, Max has impressed me more than I expected. 8 conceded in 7 games, is an improvement, but it’s everything else. I don’t get nervous with him anymore. He was outstanding today. Has he come of age?
  2. I so agree. His positional play and marking of Forss (in the main) was hideous. Thankfully he made a few decent challenges, blocks, and stuck at it, so I give him credit for that. A good few seasons back, Flint (RCB2) had Adam Matthews playing so tight to him, we had nothing on the right side of the pitch. Flint was obviously not fit, but it completely left us unbalanced. Today reminded me of that. Of course, maybe Klose was asking him to play so narrow, but that seems unlikely after the way they’d played together recently. But even so, he didn’t even get tight too Forss. I honestly don’t think I’d apportion any blame to Antoine or Andi, although we seemed better with Andi on Giles and Antoine on Jones. Tinnion’s Co-commentary was spot on today. Maybe a couple of games of 110% concentration and guiding others left him mentally fatigued…it can happen. Williams got through a helluva lot of work off the ball today to help cover a gurt big hole, that he couldn’t impact the game when he did get it. Think the money goes up for post-group games too.
  3. If us “Nige lovers” didn’t have to spend so much time going back over the same old shit about the context of the mess, the “Nige out” crew might actually get to read our true views. Us Nige lovers, don’t think he’s the messiah, nor he hasn’t pulled our pants down, but we have an appreciation of the size of the task at hand, and importantly recognise the impact that has. To suggest we should be in a better place than when he took over, is basically an impressive display of ignorance on their part.
  4. I’m in to see David Rennie tomorrow morning, I’ve kicked and headed so many balls away today from my settee. I can feel the fluid in my knees already! ??? Yep, a hard watch today.
  5. He was great, but I think you do Conway and Pring a bit of a disservice today. ???
  6. Nope, not in all in cases, but I don’t expect him to get the “best”, I expect him to get acceptable levels out of them, and I think he does that. I look at Vyner and think he’s getting way better performances out of him, as an example. I look at Weimann this season and maybe not…but last season he did. But overall I’m happy with how he’s doing.
  7. So you do understand the context, but then make no allowance for it. Its a squad of academy youngsters, a few lower league signings (one for a fee, one for compo) and then a few older freebies on top of the players that were still under contract…which he’s gradually managed to remove several from an extortionate wage bill. But, as my previous post, fine if that’s your opinion.
  8. Anyway, no Crooks or Mowatt in starting xi Ben’s not so much thuggery in their MF!
  9. Again, no context applied by you. Hey-ho. All about opinions.
  10. I’ve been invited… …and I was on earlier this season. So, I completed the hatrick…Paul Binning / Exiled Robin was the first to do it though. #mediawhore
  11. Joe Bryan’s goal v Man Utd was the purest strike I’ve witnessed live. Top 4 goals I’ve ever seen live, in no order. Bryan v Man Utd Mann v Forest Newman v Newport Tomlin v Huddersfield (or was it Wednesday?)
  12. Everyone was watching the cricket! Boy, we made hard work after the opening partnership!
  13. I do think the ref played a huge contributing factor to the game descending into players getting wound up. I know you’ll say that’s not his fault, but his poor decision making, allowing players to get away stuff lead to a decline in players feeling they were being dealt with fairly. When that happens tensions rise, and you then see tackles like Norwood and then Tanners. Go back to Luton. We had a succession of decisions go against us in the 5-10 mins before Sykes flew in. The ref has a responsibility to keep the players under control. He failed through his awful decision making. When you played I bet you thought “well if he got away with that, do can I”.
  14. It’s not atrocious if you apply some context to it!!!! ??
  15. Had a really good spell at Wycombe a few years back.
  16. Whilst Naismith made some individual mistakes and criticised for it, it is just one aspect of how we were playing and what we have missed is his speed at moving the ball between the lines. I only referenced this and the word “penetration” (or lack of) a few days ago, and it was pretty much exactly what Nige said in his interview. Only Taylor Harwood-Bellis (Burnley) across the whole of the Champ has made more passes that break the lines than Naismith. Naismith helps Andi play facing forward. Naismith helps us play through the centre of the pitch. Thats not saying Naismith solves all our problems, but him missing is definitely a factor in the way we are playing. We are playing some nice stuff, but a lot more of it is in front of our opponents. They are forcing us wide and hitting percentage crosses. I hope he’s back soon. That doesn’t turn us into a top 6 side overnight, but I do think it improves our effectiveness.
  17. I guess the question I’d be asking is “was it the international break or something else?”. Not saying these are the reasons, but… we lost Matty James ahead of QPR (first game after the break) for 5 games we lost Kal Naismith during the Coventry game (second game back) To a lesser degree we lost Scott and Williams in successive games through yellow card suspensions I think they are a part of it. Naismith not yet back.
  18. I was too…in the open end. I’m so glad that the footage of it was found and restored. I can overlay the colour over the b@w in my mind when I watch it. A beauty.
  19. Agree. plus, how do we know it’s a child (disabled or not) that was offended and reported it to the steward? Some adults don’t like swearing at all, a lot of people hate the c-bomb for example. A complaint suggests the OP was OTT.
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