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Everything posted by Unan

  1. Verse 1: Alex Scott, he's a Robin through and through With skill and grit, he'll see the game through His pace and power, a sight to behold A player worth his weight in gold Chorus: Alex, Alex, our mighty number six On the pitch, he's got all the tricks With every tackle, he'll make us proud Alex Scott, our voice is loud Verse 2: From midfield, he'll take the ball and run His vision and precision, second to none A tireless worker, he never gives in Alex Scott, he's sure to win Chorus: Alex, Alex, our mighty number six On the pitch, he's got all the tricks With every tackle, he'll make us proud Alex Scott, our voice is loud Verse 3: He's a leader on and off the field A true Bristol City stalwart, we'll always yield To his skill and passion, we'll always cheer Alex Scott, we'll always hold you dear Chorus: Alex, Alex, our mighty number six On the pitch, he's got all the tricks With every tackle, he'll make us proud Alex Scott, our voice is loud Outro: So let's sing for Alex with all our might He's a Bristol City legend, shining bright We'll stand by him, through thick and thin Alex Scott, you're our win, win,
  2. I was in school Cadbury Heath area & there was always more City then, 06-12. Grange? City. Kingsfield? City. SBL? Don't know.
  3. Bovva, I never knew the author of that book would bring me such joy Not when they realised they were just funding their rivals further? ? Chris Brown originally posted re UWE falling through months before it actually happened, and then broke the story when it did happen, forcing Rovers to put out a statement at 11:30pm. I’m hoping he’s spot on again.
  4. That’s fine, he was the gift even when the tables were, somewhat, turned.
  5. I didnt realise the upgraded stand that they “should” get is actually a tin roof. They are literally tinpot.
  6. A couple Mackams views re them signing Mehmet in January
  7. Is he not just essentially insulting all the Gasheads? Saying you're all dim enough to be distracted by football? Very weird man.
  8. I tried but it said an account was already registered!
  9. Wiemann is cursed with versatility
  10. As has been said several times, unsure if he’s got better or if the general standard got worse but he was adequate and fair generally, it was a fine refereeing performance.
  11. Unan


    All very true but I’d still take that over RobinsAirways vs Wigan
  12. Unan


    QPR, Cardiff & Birmingham to go down, the dream. edit** Briefly forgot that I live in London, up the Rs, I can't miss out on a local away day
  13. Starting to wonder if it's some poor kid post Uni being underpaid and overworked, or if it's just a completely incomplete media team
  14. But our Joey would never would he???????
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