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Everything posted by Unan

  1. FT 2-1 Couldn’t beat a poor 10 men
  2. 8 mins added, surely they can’t lose
  3. rosssgb Reserve Team 1 minute ago pirate likes this Quote I know Payne is sh** but fans from the thatchers shouting at him to **** off during the game is just senseless
  4. Yeah something something carrying joke something
  5. Never want to see an injury but Bonham, their saviour keeper, has gone off injured.
  6. lympstonegas Club Legend Posts: 2,258 Member is Online Posting Level Next Level in 742 posts 2 minutes ago via mobile Quote Post by lympstonegas on 2 minutes ago Poor gate Poor atmosphere Poor1st half Poor entertainment DC needs to change this fast. Rodman def seeing more of the ball than Nichols up front in his own We all know Payne’s not the answer either socrates Gas Posts: 6,291 Member is Online Posting Level 3 minutes ago via mobile Quote Post by socrates on 3 minutes ago No pace No width No urgency No tempo to our play sideways backwards No strength team full of wimps.
  7. What we’ve said for years.. they were blind but now they see. blueblooded Youth Team 9 hours ago Quote swissgas said: oldie said: u are certainly right about business methods in the USA. I've talked to people here who expressed an interest in acquiring Rovers and it didn't take long to find out they knew all the tricks of the trade. Selling long term season ticket debentures and refinancing assets was the main thrust of their strategy and by doing this they could have got Nick Higgs and co their loans repaid but after that, in reality, it was all down to chance which is why I didn't pursue it. That is why I've been so dead against the 100% debt finance and no equity method which Dwane Sports have used. When I brought this up last year many fans disagreed and said "how do you know they won't capitalise their loans at some point" but now I think it is clear they will not do so. The purchase of Rovers was an opportunity for someone with access to cash to take advantage of someone who desperately needed cash and, as you say, that is what entrepreneurs do. I am making no judgement on the nationality of our owners but merely pointing out they have a particular type of business culture just as business people from Japan or Brazil or Sweden would operate in their own specific way. The majority of fans, understandably, tend to have limited experience in these matters and may find it hard to accept that, whatever their nationality, people who are smiling and charming one minute can turn hard and impersonal in an instant. And that every day securities are called in by lenders leading more often than not to shock and horror among those who had convinced themselves it would never happen. It is hard to decide whether to make posts like this Oldie but I think fans should be aware of what is possible. So basically we've been taken over by stealthy asset strippers. I did have this concern a while back when they were taking on all this backroom staff as a false sign of intent.
  8. CornishPasty_Gas Reserve Team Posts: 374 Member is Online Posting Level Next Level in 126 posts 8 minutes ago via mobile Quote Post by CornishPasty_Gas on 8 minutes ago I could cry listening to this...
  9. Hamer agrees the mem is one of several options, then says "hopefully" there are several other options. "I think that's a fair thing to say". "These things take time." Hahahahahahahahahahah Won't tell anyone where the other options are.
  10. Hamer categorically refuses to say if they will spend ANY money in January haahaha
  11. 20man putting them to the sword. After being asked how to turn their fortunes around Hamer replies with "well.. it's simple." Hamer confirms the football club is not being sold & all rumours are fake. Or he knows "nothing" about them if true. He "would be the first to know" and it "categorically" isn't happening.
  12. Living in Barnet only makes this better for me, had a right laugh today with the work lot (although they all really support Arse/Spurs/Chelsk ?).
  13. Typical sags, never their own fault of course.. " 2740 says it all really! Can’t recall it ever being that low for a game bar checkatrade protests We used to get more than that for the football league trophy before it came the Checkatrade. Sad to see the decline in the value of the FA cup in supporters eyes more than anything." ___________ Sounds like they've once again shown their racist side too.. Not because of the team or managers performance, but those idiots shouting and booing at the team at full time. absolute disgusting language and behavior by so called supporters. We need to get behind this team and encourage them, not question their family heritage or ask them to have sex and travel
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