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Everything posted by Unan

  1. Rovers 1 up direct from a corner, wow the luck
  2. On Holloway paulpirate Rickie Lambert Posts: 3,045 Member is Online Posting Level Next Level in 1955 posts 10 minutes ago via mobile Quote Post by paulpirate on 10 minutes ago 15 minutes ago gas1970 said: about an hour ago chilly1883 said: If I’m not mistaken, he won the title with us, in the best team I’ve ever seen here. Also played in what is now the championship, in a half decent side. Why the lack of love?? Legend ? Absolutely. One of very few who thoroughly deserves the title 'legend'. we would be top 6 if he was in charge
  3. Ideal for me, I live about 10 minutes from Barnets ground
  4. Surprise surprise it was them pesky teds again... 6 hours ago via mobile Quote Post by kruger on 6 hours ago 7 hours ago matealotblue said: 7 hours ago quartered said: Those of you that have made rumours up - I hope you had your fun and enjoyed it whilst successfully destroying any form of good mood that may have developed this season! If you know Nothing but have spouted lies then you in my book are worse than a shithead! Perhaps they are.....who knows? totally agree well said
  5. "The MP for Bristol North West is facing an official investigation for breaking rules over disclosing donations. Charlotte Leslie has apologised to the House of Commons for failing to register donations of £28,000 made to her local Conservative association." "The error in not declaring "comprised eight donations" dating from the year before her election in 2010 to August last year."
  6. This has to be a massive wooooosh? Posts: 8,276 Posting Level T 4 hours ago singupgas likes this Quote Post by Henbury Gas on 4 hours ago 16 hours ago Severncider said: 16 hours ago singupgas said: Should this be publicly discussed? I don't know Ken, but this sort of conversation could be really damaging and stressful for him. The text message to me clearly indicates that he wanted the info to be brought into the public domain. ".....................….What would people say if they knew that Dave?" My only problem with this issue is that one gashead is prepared to blab to the world and wife about something that was told to him by another gashead in a private message... Credibility go's right out the window if that happens
  7. Blackbeard Reserve Team Posts: 323 Posting Level Next Level in 177 posts 3 hours ago Quote Post by Blackbeard on 3 hours ago Not one to spread scurrilous rumours I have no form for this Just something I was told a week or so back It's too quiet for nothing to be going on Or... using a bit of rational logic, it's this quiet because nothing is going on?
  8. In my opinion this team isn’t a million miles away. If one of the strikers can hit some form, we’ll follow. We’re at a point where formation is almost irrelevant we need some confidence. This Saturday, let’s show why we’re the superior set of fans in Bristol. Wear blue, bring a mate, and vocally get behind the team. Oxford will bring numbers, and be up for the game as if it were a derby. Oxford games have always been hard fought affairs and I suspect Saturday to be the same. Encourage that mate who’s always been tempted to come along and get behind the group. ????????? The fans (still turn up in good numbers home and away
  9. Keep them coming _________________ unlucky da shit them celebrating staying up and a week later get relegated out of the football league, by a team who were wearing their own away kit! Santa’s grotto the disabled stand the Thatcher years, my dogs dead interview The invisible Row M in their new temporary stand is also a contender Open top bus tour The babestation incident Placing a fish tank containing plastic fish behind the goal... https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/football/2000/jan/20/newsstory.sport1 Being taken overby a Fake Sheikh uwe falling through watertight contract gate boob cricket insiders stealing from their own
  10. https://mobile.twitter.com/KieranMaguire/status/1049732799001976834
  11. Someone asked me for a summary of Bristol Rovers finances this morning, but I can't find the tweet, so I've gathered the figures for the five years 2013-17. Any questions, I'm happy to answer them
  12. DC has also stressed the importance of having all the players training in one place. "We've got the Under-21s training on the council patch and we've got the youth team training on a facility that's under water now. We've got to pull it all together."
  13. Just been looking at our recent results and we've only scored from open play in 1 out of our last 9 league games (the 3 goals vs Coventry). I knew it was bad but when you put it like that, it really is quite shocking.
  14. In fairness the wind was changing direction continuosly throughout the first half and Walsall put quality crosses and corners in, a nightmare for any keeper. Unfortunately apart from Lines our crossing was atrocious and I could have kept goal for them. ?????? You couldn't make it up, them pesky Teds and that pesky wind.
  15. All the highlights have been reported here. Utter dross. Craig is getting torn to pieces. They should have had a pen when Criag had to resort to shirt pulling as he is winning nothing in the air. Ollie Clarke and Bonham about the only 2 to come out of that half looking any good. It's painful to watch and certainly not enjoyable
  16. I thought you got in the barrel and shot at fish outside of it?
  17. Well that was dreadful. Can't believe I wasted a tenner to watch that.. feel for those 198 who now have to spend the night on the motorway. Slow, lethargic, no quality, and it seemed no will to play any football. They were there for the taking, no one has conceded more than Rochdale this season and their keeper was red carded and we played the second half like that. _________________ That was absolute dross. We are a very poor side and struggled against ten men and did not have a clue how to break them down. They more than matched us and we could not have grumbled if one of our many shaky defensive moments resulted in a goal. A point yes, but another game where we could not beat another team near the bottom, despite having a one man advantage. _________________ That has to be the most negative display from a position of strength I have ever watched. Gutless from so many of our players. _________________ hopefully it’s just taking a while for the new lads to bed in, can anyone at this stage honestly say that we’re going to stay up ? _________________ This side is no better than any of our recent relegation sides. No edge to us once again. _________________ Only 1 win in our last 8 league games. _________________ That was... excruciating to watch. Slow. Lethargic. No movement. No width. Disjointed. Just awful.
  18. Zac Clough benched vs the Gas tonight
  19. midlandgas213 Club Legend 8 hours ago Quote it is more than obvious that our away support is also being hit as well as the home gates surely if we were playing decent football and getting results the away following at Bradford would have been over 1000 but well done to all those that chose to follow come what may so dc is also to blame for our lower crowds at home costing the club money and also for the away support falling because fans won't part with their hard earned cash to watch sh**e —- He is also to blame for taking crowds from 6,421 to 9,302 - shame on you DC, taking our crowds to the highest they've been since 1976. ????
  20. Henbury Gas Gas Posts: 8,184 Posting Level yesterday at 9:12am Quote Post by Henbury Gas on yesterday at 9:12am yesterday at 9:07am nobbygas said: yesterday at 9:01am Henbury Gas said: That was me, it was cold in them test bays for Rapier missiles systems....... No, no, I said super intelligent boffi...........oh, never mind. i'll have you know i have a degree in upper class bullshit.... some people say i'm out of this world when it comes to certain things.... all i can say is i did some work on the giotto satellite, which is about as close i will ever get to that ! __________ staffordshiregas Fans' Favourite Posts: 1,150 Posting Level Next Level in 350 posts 21 hours ago Quote Post by staffordshiregas on 21 hours ago Well something must be happening as Mr Wael said he couldn't discuss it due to a confidentiality clause.With the 12 World class stadium experts in the wings October will reveal all-or not?? _____________-
  21. 13 minutes ago via mobile Hugo the Elder likes this Quote Post by axegas on 13 minutes ago Maybe we have a tinpot stadium setup but we have a Premier league community trust. Absolutely class, something to be really proud of. They have a premier league everything apart from those that matter don't they??
  22. "Goal: 8,000" More than their home gates then ?
  23. “We are bigger and richer than you’ll ever be”
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