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Everything posted by Olé

  1. After today these guys second please, I've done c. 60 of the 92 and these are the friendliest funniest opponents I've ever met, in a proper local near Deepdale and absolutely quality
  2. The link up play between Derrick Williams and Parrish is outstanding.
  3. Real potential some of these balls will come down with snow on them
  4. Sounds like George Bush on 9/11
  5. Only explanation I can think of. If this was performances you do it a month ago. Tuesday was one of the better and more balanced performances and against the league leaders. Disagreement on something between SOD and board. Agree with people saying we're completely mis-run in our recruitment of managers. Can't believe JL is still paying lip service to a strategy in his email today. Who is suddenly available now that has made the make this move?
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