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Posts posted by NOTBLUE

  1. 32 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

    That Sunderland game was my first (if it was the 4-3) , remember seeing City run on from the side and having a pop at them as they went up to their lot in the open end, across the pitch. Also remember Chelsea throwing themselves over the fence by the Williams enclosure to try and get away. 

    Spurs, as a teenager I walked in the EE and was asked the time, looked up to see hundreds of Spurs. Must admit I was a bit twitchy as even then I knew that old trick. They did hang around a while but then , they had nowhere to go.

    Remember the Chelsea fans screaming to be let out,a steward was most helpful and let them into the enclosure,where there was about 50 of us standing,oops........

    • Like 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, In the Net said:

    How would you rate the EE with regard to difficulty for other fans to take it, back in the day? I remember reading in a book that Arsenal fans got a nasty surprise, and came out a lot quicker than they went in.

    From memory, the EE had a tight, compact feeling, which created an intimidating environment.

    I've seen many fans beat hasty retreats,Chelsea,Spurs,Arsenal,even your mob,West Ham couldn't be shifted on one occasion but even they failed a couple of times,oh and Man Utd in the days of the red army.

  3. 2 hours ago, 8menhadadream said:

    I know this is bollox but how funny would this be if it was true?

    21 hours ago
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    Post by nobbygas on 21 hours ago

    A problem has arisen. In the original design there was a flaw in that the pitch would have been 7 metres too short. To include the full-sized pitch means that further Planning Approval is needed as the stadium will need to be expanded.

    I am not ITK, but I do know some things.

    At least there'll be more room for all the gas hordes,which means less locked out,wandering around aimlessly,dragging their knuckles on the pavement.

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