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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Masked man reported spying on Claverham couple at night - BBC News Surely someone in the village must have some idea who this is?
  2. I do believe that is the blessed and much missed Terry Cooper playing for them in those clips.
  3. Hartlepool away. Probably just the two or three thousand will make the trip up there which is disappointing really.
  4. Weston (if they get through) v Taunton could be a bit tasty.
  5. 308 all out. A lead of 174. Another innings defeat I fear.
  6. Thanks all. I`ll give them a go I think if I can get tickets.
  7. I don`t fancy us trying to bat the day for a draw so should we go for it?
  8. We`re fighting back at least. Got them five down and still 8 behind. I expect Jack enjoyed getting Dom`s wicket!
  9. They might. I believe the council have said they have to stop using candles. Not anything to do with the fire risk, they`re worried some of the dribblers might eat them.
  10. They would and take it home with them to worship it. All hail the bringer of magic light!
  11. They`ve tried but building control said no. They were worried about the impact of the extra weight on the structure.
  12. Exactly what Nas and Athers have been saying since tea.
  13. Oh dear, not a good start at Scarborough. 14/2
  14. No. They are a Smiths tribute band but are called The Smyths.
  15. I`m surprised they don`t do a Dean Windass one.
  16. Signed by the man himself with, wait for it, a silver pen! Put me down for twenty!
  17. 6,513 loyal and few there today. The normal 10k locked out.
  18. Shame. No doubt corners will have been turned though and HMS Piss The League will be full steam ahead now. Until the next iceberg.
  19. That good ole new ball! Piss poor shot mind
  20. And (obviously) how they are now coming for us.
  21. Not on days when the prem or championship are on but there seems to be a loophole on international weekends.
  22. How come Sky can show the goals from 3pm kick offs today? I didn`t think it was allowed.
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