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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Pot/kettle springs immediately to mind!
  2. And you can bet your life he told every single one of them how ******* fantastic they`d played when they got back to the dressing room. NP feels the same pressure we do and to see the team you put out do exactly what you want them to and get the result they deserve must be very satisfying for a manager.
  3. No-one below a 7/8 out of ten today. We worked from the first minute till the 95th and thoroughly deserved it. Han-Noah just MOM for me but many, many contenders.
  4. No matter what happens up there today their day has already been ruined by our result. They could win 5-0 and they`d still be depressed.
  5. We deserved that. A few dodgy moments but we defended like trojans. Got to say, Cardiff weren`t really all that but a win`s a win.
  6. This ref is letting a lot of harmless niggly stuff go TBF, good to see and it seems players aren`t over-reacting as a result.
  7. I`d love to know what Chris Martin is saying to Morrison. `I know where you ******* live`
  8. Win, lose or draw today I`d sooner watch us than what Cardiff play.
  9. Watching on the red button. Who did AS come on for? Edit - answered above
  10. If we`re going to bomb long throws in why don`t we attack them?
  11. A player that it seems NP has taken to one side and told him he believes in him. Cam will run through brick walls for him now.
  12. Huge slice of luck for the winger with the rebound though.
  13. They don`t know how to deal with HNM when he gets the ball.
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