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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. I`d have gotten away with it if it wasn`t for you pesky kids
  2. With all the different people working on it - encouraging noises coming out of Bristol Uni too - I think one will be found sooner than that. The issue then becomes, do we risk using it before the normal clinical trials are complete? Pain v gain becomes the question then - would it perhaps be voluntary?
  3. The more I think about this, the more it makes sense not at AG though but at the Millennium. That would cover `home` games for Swansea, Cardiff, Us, the s*gs, Newport, Cheltenham, FGR, Swindon - even Plymouth and Exeter at a push. The stadium would only need one lot of staffing - security, medical, catering and the like and , unlike AG, the Millennium (I think) has a hotel on site. Sky would only need to set up once as well and could cover something like fifty games. Also, from what I remember about the layout, keeping fans away from the stadium would be a lot easier - certainly more so than AG.
  4. Whatever it was I think it was treated more as a suggestion rather than a regulation most of the time.
  5. Still be more than enough for what they get.
  6. Very well put. I`ve often said that while our ambition is to be the best we can be, their`s is to be one place better than us and they wouldn`t care if we were both in the conference when it happened (which it won`t!). They would happily give up any chance of success if, in return, it meant we had failed.
  7. Yeah. TBF he does make that clear in the intro as does the other guy, the Vale fan. Of the two, it does seem Vale have been a bit shabbily treated, the s*gs, not so much.
  8. And Bean is more likely to be a double barrelled name - Has-Bean.
  9. What a bitter report, talk about entitled. What he fails to grasp is that we have always (the post 82 years aside) been able to pay for anything we`ve wanted to do whereas they expect someone else to stump up the cash and let them have the ground for nothing. They really don`t get it and I suspect they never will.
  10. I remember Hengrove vaguely - I believe we thought about building a new ground out that way a good few years back (80s maybe?)
  11. Apologies if this is old news but City have given space at AG for FareShare South West to store their stock that they distribute to those needing it.
  12. The thing is, the tentacles of the giant squid Lansdown reach into every nook and cranny and his life is dedicated entirely to thwarting them at every turn. That`s what they believe anyway.
  13. I`m surprised it`s as `little` as that - I thought it would be much more. Charities don`t tend to benefit from any of the measures in place to help businesses either with most staff being volunteers. They are always forgotten to a large extent when something like this happens sadly - not really the same I know but when Radio Devon had a year long fund raising campaign down here to buy a new air ambulance a few years back donations to other charities fell significantly and they reckon it was largely due to the publicity that was getting in the media.
  14. They are quite badly. All their shops are closed and fund-raising events are cancelled. The government did come up with a support package a week or two ago but I doubt it will be enough to save all of them. I`m still supporting the ones I do but may not be able to indefinitely.
  15. It really is unbelievable how many times they`ve had planning permission granted for something that never ends up being built. And yet they still blame Bristol CC for a lot of their woes.
  16. Preston? I never thought they were like that, they`ve always seemed a decent enough bunch to me. Were there a lot of day trippers perhaps? Having said that, do I vaguely remember there being some unpleasantness at your game up there towards the end of the season?
  17. It`ll be the old chestnut that they dredge up every time - percentage of home support. Sorry saggies, all that statistic means is not that your away support is something wonderful but that your home support is shite.
  18. Can`t help themselves can they? Any excuse for a mutual circle jerk.
  19. Same old g*s, streets ahead of us. We`d have to unbolt all ours. Poor planning from the stadium designers - they should have foreseen this situation like they did at the mem. How can we possibly hope to compete with a club so far ahead of the game?
  20. `Stokesey. Finish it off mate` One of the great sporting quotes of all time!
  21. They`ll just stop them going up there in the first place - it`ll look really weird having a mountain top finish with no-one there though.
  22. There could be Teds in the away end at their final game, who knows?
  23. Oh I get that - they acted like the ground stealing vultures we all knew them to be. Never forgive, never forget. For entertainment value though seeing them lose in front of 500 to the likes of Concord Rangers and St. Albans City ………...………............
  24. it`s an odd one. Part of me does want them to fold but it would be infinitely funnier if they didn`t but ended up in Conference South - or even more amusing, end up like Gloucester City and get put in Conference North due to geography!
  25. No I bloody don`t! There was a link on sagchat and I followed that.
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