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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. We could well have been. After all, would any of us have been in any fit state to do anything after hearing the result - we`d have all been rolling around on the floor pissing ourselves.
  2. I do. I think they would honestly take being relegated if it meant we lost in a playoff final. If a g*shead was drowning and you offered him your hand he would rather pull you in with him than allow you to pull him out. #bitterandobsessed
  3. It can`t be just me who, when I see this thread has leapt forward five or six pages in a fairly short period of time, settles down with a cup of tea and a packet of digestives before opening it in eager anticipation of what the latest disaster to have befallen them is. It rarely disappoints.
  4. More than we paid them for the snake! Not quite a Tillson though.
  5. I personally think they should stick with the lad Nicholls. A scoring record of one in fifty isn`t to be sniffed at.
  6. Oxford & AFC Wimbledon up next for them and some bloke called Clarke who they seem to think is less shit than the rest got himself booked and will be suspended. #happydays
  7. I could well be wrong but weren`t both our games v York on MOTD that season? Probably my memory letting me down but I vaguely recall it.
  8. Not surprising since there have been so many FA Cup embarrassments for them down the years.
  9. I`d been at work in Shaftsbury and was driving home on the A303 when the results came in. I had to stop in a layby as I was laughing so much and couldn`t drive for a while!
  10. `Is this the potato farm?` `Yes. I am Albert Potato` I have no idea why that line is so funny, it has no right to be!
  11. Or a Leicester City attack of Dickov - Izzet - Bent?
  12. A vastly underrated film IMO. Full of great one liners and only the second Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker project (not counting Kentucky Fried Movie) after Airplane! I think because Airplane! was so brilliant Top Secret had a lot to live up to. Interesting Top Secret fact; It was Val Kilmer`s film debut.
  13. And there`s no way West Ham would have dared to cheat on the bestest most loved club in all the world. Imagine the shame if anyone found out and they became hated throughout the footballing globe for depriving the deserving Italian fans of finally getting the chance to see their heroes in the flesh.
  14. Wasn`t Quim in the Portuguese squad too?
  15. I can only imagine it`s for the benefit of visiting supporters who, upon seeing it have been heard to remark `That can`t be it can it? It must be a shop for some parks side or other - it`s never one for a league club.` I can`t imagine what comments there would be once they walk a little further and are confronted by Santa`s Grotto.
  16. My personal favourite quote from the whole Wally takeover thing was `We`ll buy Ashton Gate and use it as a training ground for our U23s`
  17. I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again - I sometimes think that the club are a long term installation project by the KLF. However, I doubt that, even in the most twisted parts of Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty`s imaginations, that they could dream up a stunt as convincing as BRFC. Ether that or it`s the most successful project they`ve ever undertaken and it`s now taken on such a life of it`s own that it won`t stop until the whole thing self -destructs.
  18. You might want to read the continuation of their thread and all will be revealed (along with their true colours and confirmation of their sense of inadequacy)
  19. It says much about their sense of insecurity and lack of self-worth that they are so happy in their own little echo chamber and so angry when it appears to have been infiltrated. `La, la, la, I can`t hear you`
  20. They probably had to wait for their computer expert Henbury Gash to run a trace on him. It took a while because he was busy working for the CIA and Interpol and couldn`t spare the time.
  21. I see that one of them has the temerity to disagree with the swivel-eyed mob and is immediately accused of being a gurt ted and told to get back to OTIB. He`s also committed the cardinal sin of suggesting that they allow our fans on their shitty little site so they`re no doubt sharpening their pitchforks and lighting the torches as we speak.
  22. And even if he does think there is value in saying it the two situations could not be more different. We are where we are now due to a good few years now of sound financial management and a long term vision of what we want to achieve with an owner, staff and players (mostly) pulling in the same direction. They are suffering from years of under-investment and incompetence with no plan to change things any time soon. The difference is that we have learned from our mistakes and they haven`t. Has anyone noticed that, among the many feeble insults hurled at us by the blue few, they no longer refer to us as a rich man`s plaything so at least their dense tiny brains have realised that they are far more that than we ever were or will be. It does make a difference of course that our owner is genuinely wealthy rather than a fraud with a nice watch.
  23. He has to be angling for the sack surely? He`s been coming out with all sorts of thinly veiled digs at the owners for weeks which clearly haven`t worked so he`s decided to try and push things further now. He`s hoping he can make them angry enough to fire him irrespective of the financial consequences. Training on Monday should be interesting!
  24. Well, with their deluded sense of entitlement and belief that the world loves them and should give them everything they ask for `me fans` pretty much sums them up.
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