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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Yes, much mirth ensued - he had a knack of asking stupid questions like that! Clarke did go on to the Dons I think and hat a pretty good career there IIRC.
  2. He did, I remember it well - mainly for the fact a mate of ours asked, in all seriousness, which one of the two strikers he was. Gary Bull`s strike partner that day was Andy Clarke!
  3. Still a bit risky with those odds, make it 10 v 2 and they`ll be up for it.
  4. Even in the midst of all the disasters and threats of relegation and administration that they`re facing on a daily basis hatred of us is still all consuming for them. It would all be quite sad really (if it wasn`t so ******* funny).
  5. There are no premier league games so Mike Dean might be available if he`s not pencilled in for a Champions League game. I`m sure he`d love the chance to officiate at such a huge game, it would be the pinnacle of his career.
  6. Hopefully not too long before they`re the Juventus of the Vanarama again.
  7. No there isn`t is there? I would have thought the fans of the best, most loved club in the world would have been leaping to condemn the actions of these thugs but apparently not. Family club my arse. I expect the first mention will be either that the BP/A&S Plod have made the whole thing up or it was us teds causing the trouble.
  8. They said on Quest it`s 17 years since they went five games without scoring so that record`s almost as old as the gap.
  9. I went to the Manor a few times but the most memorable was the 4-2 win in the1988 league cup run
  10. As far as I can see from that BP video it appeared to show a few fat, bald middle aged men struggling to run after some other fat, bald middle aged men. Quite sad to see really.
  11. But, but all the football violence in Bristol happens at Ashton Gate. Most right thinking citizens know better than to go within a mile of BS3 on a matchday for fear of getting beaten up. I know this because I read it on asschat.
  12. They`ll claim they did even if they didn`t.
  13. Surely if it was from a Northern ground it would read `please keep off t`pitch`
  14. It cost an extra twenty quid at the signwriters if they went over four words and their budget just wouldn`t stretch to that.
  15. Are there many better footballing terms than `A forlorn Phil Bater`?
  16. Was that the team that used to be called Doncaster Rovers before they rebranded as Doncaster United?
  17. Delayed, Miah, not stopped. The best things come to he who waits (although I fear you may be waiting a very long time if you`re relying on Wally to deliver)
  18. Or perhaps a last minute winner from Louie Donowa?
  19. They can only dream of finding a lump of coal and a satsuma in their stockings on Xmas morning.
  20. And, with the festive season fast approaching, will Santas Grotto be putting in an appearance again?
  21. But, but, everyone loves them. It must be true since they keep telling us how fans of every other club in the world can`t help telling anyone who`ll listen how wonderful they are and can`t wait to welcome them to their towns just to show their appreciation in the flesh.
  22. We could well have been. After all, would any of us have been in any fit state to do anything after hearing the result - we`d have all been rolling around on the floor pissing ourselves.
  23. I do. I think they would honestly take being relegated if it meant we lost in a playoff final. If a g*shead was drowning and you offered him your hand he would rather pull you in with him than allow you to pull him out. #bitterandobsessed
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