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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Yeah I meant the bloke behind the melt in the yellow top!
  2. Well somebody is - the tuppee looks a bit like Henbury G*s as well so every chance it is dopey
  3. Well, that is the closest any of them will ever get to a real woman that they`re not related to.
  4. You`ve got to love the melt in the yellow top filming himself celebrating!
  5. You could well be right. I mean, does anyone know for sure that it stays at the swamp on non matchdays? For all we know they could pack it away after the game and truck it off to whoever`s hired it.
  6. Are they not in the cup then? I thought they only had to beat Barnet at home, cruise past Stockport and it was Old Trafford in the 3rd round. Wasn`t it?
  7. I`m going to leave s*gchat for tonight as I feel it would be better appreciated tomorrow with a nice cup of tea and a digestive.
  8. Isn`t all public transport suspended for the visit of the g*s though for fear of being overwhelmed by the unprecedented number of away fans?
  9. Was it a 4-1 defeat with Bobby scoring his first goal for us?
  10. Only 3 points off bottom place now. Scored their third too I think.
  11. You were lucky to get a ticket as I presume the away end is sold out as usual.
  12. Only if you do the same tour with the Heddlu.
  13. The best of it is, after the second round draw, home v Stockport, the club would have almost been banking on a 3rd round payday. Hard luck losers!
  14. Well, that`s made a shit day infinitely better.
  15. Fielded an ineligible player is my bet. See you in court Barnet.
  16. It has been ever since Wally took over.
  17. You obviously didn`t see how their fans spelt it on their forum! Peddle is the new prowed.
  18. If you`re going to mock then please get the spelling right.
  19. They seem to think he`ll go back to Brentford (?) who will then sell him as he has been playing well. They will be ****** then - have to get another keeper in on loan which will take up a fair bit of their non-existent transfer budget. The general view is one in/one out but to be honest, who`d pay anything for any of their donkeys?
  20. Presumably we can expect a strongly worded letter from Horfield to be winging it`s way to FA headquarters demanding that the game be replayed due to the officials` inability to play it under Gas Rules? Woe betide Scunthorpe if the g*s go down by a point - they`ll have them up in court faster than you can say `watertight contract`
  21. And their ignorance of even the most basic rules of the game is staggering.
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