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Everything posted by Ivorguy

  1. I rather suspect that next year we shall wonder why we have Wells and Cornick in a side, supposedly, aiming for playoffs.
  2. Well at least Scott won’t be here next year !?!
  3. Burnley may be Champions but how many of the team they put out today will start their first match in The Prem?
  4. Gosh, the fans are as accurate with comments as the players are with the ball. Do we deserve each other?
  5. Can we not ban them from holidays in the sun and instead bring them in for intensive training on the golden sands of Weston?
  6. Typical City. Promise so much , deliver so little. The story of the club with rare exceptions, which we fail to build upon
  7. Well in my eighth decade I have to tell you we are definitely one of the better City teams, with best manager in all my years supporting
  8. Not over yet, but whatever the result this is a city team we can all be proud of
  9. When was last time Wells got a hat trick?
  10. So disappointing given the number of forwards we now have in the squad. We need in the summer to have a team core that genuinely looks top half of league. As others have said goalkeeper, imposing centre half, goal scorer on 20 a season (sorry can’t see Weimann at that level again. And, of course, a replacement for Scott. unfortunately to achieve this we shall need more than £25m
  11. This is the City we always dream of. - Hard running, playing for the team, and some real skill. Nige is, imo, a genius, given the appalling state he inherited, and given no budget.
  12. Great for him, great for Nige, and great for all of us
  13. It’s the revenge of the Somerset sheep, imo. Never the same since they stopped coming to the pitch in the summer. Oh, those good old days - sheep, Sally Army Band, and holes in the roof of The Old Stand.
  14. Oh we have had plenty over the years. This all seems so City today.
  15. I still trust Tinnion’s and NP’s judgment. Be patient and give the chap time to adjust to our systems
  16. I think we showed spirit in second half and as game went on we got stronger. Sad not to get a point for effort, but a bridge too far with so many injuries and players playing out of position. Hopefully we will have Tanner back on Saturday and Sykes can revert to his normal role. Weimann also looked slightly wasted tonight, but understand NP had little choice. Hopefully we will have larger, stronger squad over next 4 transfer windows
  17. Trust in Nige. He knows what he is doing, short and long term - imo
  18. Surely pitch is for rugby, and field for football, or at least it was back in the day
  19. Only answer now is a training day away on the beach at Weston
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