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Sir Leigh of Somerset

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Everything posted by Sir Leigh of Somerset

  1. And if we lose to Switzerland when we next play them, i'll be really cheesed off... (That was a pretty awful game last night though - reminiscent of the fare served up during my occasional foray to A.G. over the last few years)
  2. An interesting point. I'm an irregular visitor to A.G. these days but what i have noticed over the last few seasons is just how many people sitting around me seem to be more interested in what is on their mobile phones and/or going down to the concourse for 'refreshments' a good 5+ minutes before half time and coming back a good 5 minutes after half time. This might well be a reflection of the dire football match being played out on the pitch but i always think it rather strange that quite a lot of people pay good money to go to a football match and then seem more interested in everything but the football. Albeit for a slightly different reason than you're suggesting, i came to the same sort of conclusion a good while back.
  3. We'd sing and dance forever and a day........
  4. I'm fairly sure that some 25 years or so back, the bar maids were not only in basques but topless as well on a Friday night. The only reason i remember this (ahem) is that the place was so packed we only ever managed to get one or maybe two rounds in before heading off to watch the bands playing at The Fleece.
  5. The original poster meant today's tomorrow, not yesterday's tomorrow (or was it tomorrow's tomorrow - not sure now?) so you'll just have to reign in that excitement for a bit longer..........
  6. This song might do (especially the chorus) with perhaps a few word changes by our resident poets?
  7. It's hard to understand how SL could have ever possibly started/run such a successful business.
  8. Lovely music and a brilliant film; https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=575615296&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB758GB758&q=Merry+Christmas+Mr+Lawrence+cast&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOOQMVLITS0qqlRIzijKLC7JTSxWyC1SyEksL0rNS05VSE4sLonS80osSMxLLU5VyE9Ly0xOLVIoTqzMzEuH6qxA03SKkUM_V9_ALNvA6BQjJ4hpaJZtCWenmyRln2LkArPLiivNS6Cc8qK0KkMLqCqjlKQ8oA5usCrDypxKsxSoTHZxoUEalG1SnFee-4tRwRfsDme4D3yLFHyQfdDAwriIlaCqW2ySDAeuZC75-S2oeZniZa5bK6dJznocmvnobOZkABrYkMYoAQAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCrqT4goqCAxVAUkEAHcE3CH4Q4qYDegQITBAI&biw=1366&bih=619&dpr=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a4f437a1,vid:NQqmDAste_E,st:0
  9. Wouldn't a Brexit clearance be one where the ball doesn't go as far as intended or in the direction intended?
  10. Back then, you didn't need a ticket. You just went in through a hedge.... Mad Mick was an excellent DJ back in the 70s. From Bath, if i remember rightly?
  11. Actually, it was knocked off 'Pony' and 'Cherry B'............?
  12. Snap. Virgin Media are a nightmare to be with and especially to deal with. Only problem is, there's probably not much to choose between all of the providers........
  13. Captain Pugwash anyone? https://www.google.com/search?q=captain+pugwash+tv+show+in+black+and+white&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB758GB758&ei=Z9OFZKW6FrXD8gKh4LLQBA&ved=0ahUKEwjliZCosLv_AhW1oVwKHSGwDEoQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=captain+pugwash+tv+show+in+black+and+white&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIICAAQiQUQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoICAAQigUQhgM6BQghEKABOgQIIRAVOgcIIRCgARAKSgQIQRgAUIEIWOFGYPhPaAFwAXgAgAG1AYgByg-SAQQxMy42mAEAoAEBwAEByAEI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:21e251f1,vid:QmVHfUK1ZYw
  14. No wonder the game didn't get going - all a bit too crowded out there on the pitch.....
  15. Shallow Grave, Fisher King, Spartacus, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
  16. Alec 'no prisoners' Briggs (left back).
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