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Posts posted by Natchfever

  1. 31 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    I got some stick from a couple of posters a couple of weeks ago for suggesting the current way of playing was devaluing Conway.

    Its like playing Alex Scott in CM and playing long-ball.

    I suspect it has been missed Dave.

    Basic maths for a club that needs to beef up its nest egg.


  2. 3 minutes ago, Loosey Boy said:

    Only when we are chasing a result it seems, though @Davefevs?

    I think Manning needs to decide on his “main one” now; it’s either TC or NW and then give them a run of games, rather than chopping and changing every week.

    If I’m a betting person, neither with be our main striker next season as can see TC being sold in the summer (due to contract situation) and NW being even more of a bit-part squad player in his final season with us….

    Do you think the club is sensitive to the plummeting value of Conway which seems to have coincided with the change of "gaffer" ?

  3. 20 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

    Yes, it could.  A player revolt led by the likes of James, Wells, Kimg etc could see end of Manning.

    if we fail to win in next 3 games, change will happen

    All of those players are dispensible and OOC come June and they are far too professional to go down that route.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, old_eastender said:

    If the very unlikely event the club are forced to admit the appointment of Manning has turned out bad, reckon making Andy King caretaker to the end of the season, and see how he does, would be a sensible option...

    I think they would have to off Tinnion also, and as much as id love that, it wont happen.

    • Like 8
  5. 30 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    What absolutely boils my piss is 12-18 months ago when we had Gould and Pearson singing from the same hymn sheet many of us were thinking we were travelling in the OPPOSITE direction to what you describe, slowly but still in the right direction, and that "Basket Case" Bristol City was finally becoming a thing of the past. Gould then buggers off to chase his real passion in life and it's as if the shackles were immediately lifted off the Lansdown's and they thought "at last, now's our chance to pile in and run this thing our way again" like a pair of sodding hyena's.............

    Going well, ain't it?

    I have a horrible feeling that Gould leaving will prove to be our "what might have been" moment.

    Great point.

    Gould definitely had the gravitas to keep the Lansdowns where they should be.

    • Like 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Baba Yaga said:

    Having seen some good and bad from Manning I think he deserves to start next season and see what happens from there.

    For me it's never a good time to have this poll after a couple of losses. Interesting there is the same poll on here after the wba boxing day game last season where 56% wanted Pearson to be sacked.

    If we finish say 15th would you trust him with whatever money is available for next season if hes a 50-50 to replicate this seasons form? 

    Took years to sort the financial mess last time.

    Wont happen but I would like him gone end of season along with his boss.


    • Flames 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Alessandro said:

    The behaviour of the Lansdowns and their historical appointments suggest you might not be wrong.

    I also get the sense they really, really want to ‘prove people wrong’ who have criticised them. “See you in the premier league” Tinnion is an extremely telling quote.

    I dont believe the current structure will ever gain promition.

    Much more likely to go the other way with Lansdown and Sid running things.

    Manning would ultimately be thrown under the bus to join those players he himself seems to be edging across the pavement to cover his own shortcomings.

    ******* mess of a club.

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  8. Just now, Galley is our king said:

    Who's saying he won't lose the JR?

    Remember he lost out trying to provide us a new stadium on a former tip that just a few saw as a modern day hanging gardens of babylon.

    Town green my ass...

    I think he would have won that ultimately had he wanted but ancient history of course.

    This one seems different with the other mob lookibg for a handout.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Mendip City said:

    No. That’s not really the point I was making though…. Why is nothing happening. I imagine in the last 10 years the majority of clubs at our level have seen a shift in ownership of sone sort. Why can SL not make it happen? 
    my view is that either SL has no interest in selling or that anyone getting close to investing/buying has been put off by the BS model.  

    I also think the "package" is off putting.

    Perhaps another factor might be that Lansdown seeks to retain a controlling interest, so merely looking for an investor?

    Any serious person doing proper due dilligence would want BS dismantled with the other entities as paying tenants, even if at peppercorn rents, and most importantly the Lansdowns ****** off out of it.

  10. 3 minutes ago, ashton_fan said:

    This project isn't the same as the football where the money is written off, it's meant to make a profit.

    Understood, but its unlikely hed lose the JR isnt it ?

    If so I cant imagine cash flow is an issue for him.

  11. 1 hour ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I’ll caveat again by saying I didn’t see the game but based on comments here this seems poorly judged. The comment of “I’ve said to the players we can give you all the information but if you don’t do the basics” may be right but is total deflection from any responsibility. I can’t see it playing well with the squad overall.



    Lee Johnson was the same.

  12. 1 hour ago, Barrs Court Red said:

    The snake departing and someone credible replacing him might actually placate me. 

    And by someone credible, no Jon, not another friend of the family. 

    What other championship club would appoint that *** anywhere near the 1st team let alone running the show.

    Hes just a grasping sneaky *****. Lansdowns are the real *****, anyone who thinks they give a shit are deluded.

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  13. 33 minutes ago, old_eastender said:

    Manning seems to show no interest in developing our u21s, wonder how that fits with BT?

    Yeboah has already been binned off, after featuring a fair bit under NP. Personally I think Nelson is a much better prospect but Manning has only had him as unused sub.  

    Cant imagine the Academy is of prime importance to Tinnion now hes head honcho.

  14. 5 hours ago, Oh Louie louie said:

    Brimsons full of it, he wrote once Watford turned city over at the hole in the wall, in the late 90s, laughable, you know what he does now? Chip shop reviews on youtube, I kid you not,

    They turned up certainly and had a good pop.

    Got the silver medal though...

  15. 23 minutes ago, CodeRed said:

    Clarke Osborne - that's him , he was involved with the Gas & instrumental in selling Eastville to IKEA, tried it on at Swindon, and has been trying to buy Plainmoor ( it's council owned) so he can use it to " fund a new stadium" yeah right. Apparently he never attended Torquay games.

    A parasite who sees a club in need of financial help as a way to acquire cheap real estate.

    Fit and proper person then doesnt apply in the National Leagues ?


  16. 2 hours ago, RedRock said:

    A sad day for SW football. 

    Think Gary Johnson stayed in post because they couldn’t afford to sack him. Clearly, we saw peak GJ. He’s sounded a broken man in recent interviews. Best for him and his health to walk away now. Cheers Gary and thanks for our journey. 

    I heard that about Johnson who I imagine is a wealthy man, and by all accounts a real football man.

    If true why be part of the reason your club went under?

    Clearly more to it than that and the owners sound rotten, but if they couldnt afford to sack him in the hopes of turning things around on the pitch then why not walk and give them the chance?


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