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Lorenzos Only Goal

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Everything posted by Lorenzos Only Goal

  1. I like the boys coming through the academy, they all have something about them, if they make it at championship level is neither here nor there for me, the fact many of them are making it at l1, l2 level is amazing and should help with the reputation of the academy moving forward I remember for a long long time the academy was producing maybe one or two players that could cut it, and then they would fall away down the leagues, Jennison Myrie-Williams was one that always looked like he was there or there abouts but seemed to just fall away down the leagues quite quickly. And then there were the "Ryan Harley's" of the academy that didn't seem to be given enough time to develop before they were offloaded. I rather like our academy
  2. Not sure if this has been posted, but read this a while back off the back of a conversation with a Charlton fan. https://www.coachesvoice.com/jason-euell-charlton-middlesbrough-england-southgate/
  3. Trust me he's a bloody awesome coach, utterly random and completely our gain. Very pleased with this I was oddly talking to my Rovers mate today about how Gary Penrice was great at producing strikers for them and how we could do with someone similar as our young strikers seem to have a ceiling. Very excited with this.
  4. Are you not saying the same thing? kids - > mens football is a bigger step up than L2 - > mens?
  5. 4-3-3/4-4-2 I'd be inclined to got for. Or variations there of.
  6. He will be will do well there alongside Joe Ironside, they lack pace at times Cambridge. If he can click, I predict he will pop in a few for them if he starts.
  7. He's had a decent game tbh.
  8. Was a rough foul though smashed him good. BRB swinging
  9. Scott will be able to give Adam Peaty a run for his money after this game.
  10. I don't like Roy Keane as a pundit, always felt wrong that he's seemed to profit from deliberately ending another players career. There are a few pundits that don't offer much and have questionable pasts. Edit: Baba Yaga is about tin hat on.
  11. There are some horrid people on twitter.
  12. I think Idehen makes for the better understudy, better age and potential, for Cundy that's where he would of ended up here as understudy with the new signings and at 25 he's really going to want to be the one trying to hold down a first team place. Might bite us later in the season as Idehen is a little green though at present.
  13. Did anyone see his appearance I missed it. Edit previous page
  14. You know our fans right, we lose a couple of friendlies and the haters will be all over Pearson.
  15. Some of our players have come out of a very challenging domestic campaign, into this nations league set of games, with a very small gap and then a new preseason will be on them. I'm finding it hard to feel the love for the nations league if I'm honest, it feels like a lot of extra games.
  16. I agree I can't stand them. I said exactly that to the wife, who's a massive football fan albeit Arsenal.
  17. Because the Allison was in the Real penalty area.
  18. Massive swathes of empty seats, it's not like the allocation was that good either. Poor show by the French and UEFA.
  19. Have no fear I can't be assed with it at the moment. Just bored waiting for kick off.
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