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Lorenzos Only Goal

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Everything posted by Lorenzos Only Goal

  1. Did anyone see his appearance I missed it. Edit previous page
  2. You know our fans right, we lose a couple of friendlies and the haters will be all over Pearson.
  3. Some of our players have come out of a very challenging domestic campaign, into this nations league set of games, with a very small gap and then a new preseason will be on them. I'm finding it hard to feel the love for the nations league if I'm honest, it feels like a lot of extra games.
  4. I agree I can't stand them. I said exactly that to the wife, who's a massive football fan albeit Arsenal.
  5. Because the Allison was in the Real penalty area.
  6. Massive swathes of empty seats, it's not like the allocation was that good either. Poor show by the French and UEFA.
  7. Have no fear I can't be assed with it at the moment. Just bored waiting for kick off.
  8. I would personally have Rodrygo personally but no idea who I'd swap.
  9. She was 17, the accusation was she was trafficked and coerced into having sex with him.
  10. Just bored waiting for the ball to get kicked.
  11. 12m of the queen's money not all her wealth is tax money.
  12. Well Philip is dead stating it just has a pop at a 96 year old widow. Calling her senile is nasty and calling Andrew a pedophile is also incorrect. Just has a pop and is again having a go at a little old lady's son. Andrew is a sex offender that never got charged and paid off his victim not a pedophile.
  13. Good player, decent enough age @ 30 very good signing 31 next year so 3 year deals not insane.
  14. This is an interesting read for those who like football data. https://blogs.oracle.com/cloud-infrastructure/post/oracle-cloud-crunches-data-premier-league-end-of-season-awards?source=:so:ch:or:awr::::&SC=:so:ch:or:awr::::&pcode=
  15. I think he's an interesting character and Roma is good for him, the UK was a mess for him except for Chelsea. Man Utd is a poison challis at the moment.
  16. Man Utd's problem is not the manager, I think nearly everyone except Man Utd can see this, they need a jolly good clear out of players. The players performed under Ole until they felt they needed to either put their feet up or needed a change.
  17. It's an interesting one Arsenal who do a massive amount of domestic and international sales in a big stadium and have been placed nearby to Everton haven't claimed anywhere near that. What's worse is I can't even see the ground delays costing them all that much.
  18. Ahhh I see what it is you said that upset people, here is the flaw in your thinking. I mentioned a lad I played rugby with who came out, it wasn't until we met his partner that some of us got a bit more educated, his partner was a small, slight lad who was very effeminate, he was overtly gay in the way Alan Carr is gay mannerisms kind of way, so that's the kind of guy he found attractive, not a strapping young lad in the rugby showers, just because he likes boys doesn't mean he likes them all in a completely uncontrolled way. Conversely continental saunas are a little disconcerting for about 5 minutes.
  19. We used to play rugby with a guy in the 90's, and none of us had a clue about his sexuality until he felt he needed to share. Some were a bit disappointed there were no indications in the scrum but everyone accepted his choice he didn't get dropped or anything daft and we moved on, the only difference was he felt able to bring his partner to games after that.
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