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Posts posted by RedEyez

  1. 2 hours ago, Chairman Mao said:

    When are Bangladesh actually going to threaten the big boys, feels like they should be better than they are.

    South Africa looking tasty is a breath of fresh air.

    Will be going in a fortnight. Watching Netherlands v. Australia, England v. India and Pakistan v. Bangladesh. Never been to India before so can't wait. 

    Superb. Do you have room for a little un?

  2. 3 minutes ago, The Gasbuster said:

    He's too predictable for the opposition.

    Yep. He was 1 on 1 with their right back and you could tell from the body movement of their right back that he knew what Mehmeti was going to do before Mehmeti did. He subsequently got tackled and lost the ball. I really do hope it works out for the kid but the signs are ominous right now to say the least.

  3. 15 hours ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

    Are you claiming because Johnson Snr delivered the playoffs and Jnr a couple of top 10 finishes (after blowing the playoffs minimum btw), they're better than Pearson? In what universe, apart from the cloud cuckooland you live in, are the circumstances in which the Johnsons managed us comparable to the situation Pearson has had to deal with? 

    Pearson is an infinitely superior man-manager, culture-builder, mentor.

    Pearson has rebuilt our club from the ground up, with foundations that can last long after he's gone - the values and culture he's established will serve the young players he brings through for the rest of their careers. Exactly the sort of values and culture a club like ours require. 

    Love them as I do, neither Gary Johnson or Steve Cotterill built a culture or established values in the same way.

    Gary Johnson squeezed the maximum out of limited players that took us very close ("limited" is unkind to one or two talented players in that team). He was exactly what we needed when he arrived (the pissheads either sobered up or funked off). But what was his legacy? 

    Steve Cotterill gave us the best season we'll ever have in Div 3. To be a footballer in that dressing room must have been quite something - esprit de corps on steroids. Amazing. But what was his legacy? 

    Johnson Jr? His legacy? Let's not derail the thread! Suffice to say, he talked about having emotional intelligence, then demonstrated precious little of it. How very LJ - talk the talk, can't walk the walk. Pearson meanwhile.... 

    All 3 left a team and club going backwards (perhaps stalled tbf, in Gary's case).

    Pearson's legacy, if he leaves next May, will likely be a team going forward or at least primed to do so - and underpinned by the sort of values and culture that our club need to succeed. 

    If the owner can't understand any of this, it demonstrates how little he understands - again. And if he can't see that, in our current straightened circumstances, Pearson is exactly the type of manager we need, then god help him - and us. 

    For me, you are absolutely bang on the money with this.

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