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Posts posted by ciderup

  1. If you simply base the decision as if it was any other business (not football) Ian Holloway has the best record / cv and is available. In recent times he has the best record of getting clubs to the Premier League etc.

    I would accept that business decision and tuck my small minded-ness under my pillow...


    Imagine the vitriol after a couple of bad results? :facepalm:

    • Like 1
  2. To Manon


    Ethiad has no outside space, where has the AG site does - I should have been clearer.


    The Carparking at Etihad is underneath the stadium - 3 levels I believe, but most come by train.


    With some gumption, the train could be the best and cheapest option at AG as well.


    When I went to the Etihad last season for a CL game, there was a mahoosive car park just over the huge footbridge from the stadium complex. I appreciate it's not actually the stadium site but that car park was enormous! The actual stadium site is relatively small but parking really wasn't an issue due to the car parks all around it.

  3. The away fans will be moved to the Ateyo which is the only unconnected stand so will not require segregation/loss of seats.


    That said, dependant on the away team/following, part of the stand can be broken up so that one end can be used potentially for "family" seating and if so, segregation would be required 


    That's how I understood it but with an Atyeo / away capacity of 4200 leaving all but 23000 home seats, I can't see it being an issue for a while.

  4. All jokes aside about this Bury thing but, according to the sag forum, a bloke walking to the game with his son was bottled and the son belted. That's scum of the highest order IMO. If like minded idiots wanted a ruck then so be it but innocent families?

    I hope the r*vers fans are ok (tin hat one).

  5. Am I being naive here or does all of this strengthen SL's position?

    With Bris (SL) leaving the Mem for BS3 (SL) in the summer, the sags lose a sizeable income, Bristol loses at least one of it's Sainsbury's stores and the sags lose their dream. Meanwhile, SL sits on the AV plans which would give the City a nice shiny new superstore plus the jobs it would bring (in addition to the jobs at the old smaller store), a state of the art facility and the construction jobs relating to that, housing, hotel, retail development etc etc.

    I wonder if the council are getting a tad twitchy now that nothing will come of all the grand plans losing the city itself income while SL can sit quite comfortably on plan 'B' knowing that he has the answer to the council's issues (ie plan 'A')?

  6. Let those heathens descrate the same hallowed turf where Hammond, Procter, er Mike Smith played, I don't think so !


    I support the cidermen so not too bothered. I appreciate the sentiment though.

    Cast the heathens aside!

    I can see them coming, tail between their legs, asking to use the Gate while their pit has a new plastic roof put on the tent end (or something similar). I just hope our board say NO even if it means a few extra quid in the coffers.

  7. No your right there are no 'designated' standing areas in the top two divisions. I was just making the point that you can in effect stand at a lot of games, and big contingent of fans actually prefer to. Hopefully by putting in place safe standing we can be the club that trials it, and gets the laws changed back. Lets not forget the reasons for the laws have been shown as basically bad policing, totally different to safe standing, hell if its good enough for 80k plus crowds at Dortmund it should be good enough for the top flight in England!


    FYI, while most of the standing areas at the WFS are safe standing, the south tribune is pure old fashioned terracing with proper old school barriers. They have clip in rail seating which is only used for European games.

  8. I suspect this is why it seems the fight for AV seemed to evaporate.


    Unfortunately, I reckon you might just have hit the nail on the head BCR. Maybe our powers that be had prior notification hence the pushing of the redevelopment plans rather than the Vale?

  9. I think the sags richly deserve having the piss seriously ripped right out of them, seeing as they had no sympathy for us when we were in their position and even went out of their way to put the boot in and make things worse by signing petitions.  


    After the dust has settled though, It's about time we combined forces with the Gas and use every contact the clubs have to raise the profile of this ridiculous situation and get it out in the wider media.  At a time when government and local council are saying there isn't a pot to piss in, here in Bristol we have two situations when there are tens of millions of pounds waiting to be invested in the local area and the whole lot is being scuppered by a handful of selfish, blinkered, short sighted nimbies.  These self-centred idiots are willing to keep Bristol as a backwater to the detriment of the vast majority of it's residents, just to serve their own blinkered, selfish interests.


    This has got to stop, as Bristolians are sick to the back teeth of seeing the city we love being left behind in the wake of lesser towns and cities who aren't constantly hindered by these nimby parasites.  Here is the ideal situation to make a stand and combine forces to take the battle right to these numpties and see what they're made of. :grr:  


    I kind of agree with this sentiment but isn't it too late for us (BCFC)? We are, more than likely, redeveloping now not moving so what could we, as a club, hope to achieve apart from benefitting our neighbours? I'm pretty sure we asked them for their support over AV and their supporters publicised the NIMBY website and petition IIRC.


    Balls to them and their plight in all honesty!

    If you were talking about development in the city overall, then I would definitely be in support.

    • Like 2
  10. It's a sad state of affairs when the only things fans of BOTH clubs can gloat about at the moment are the misfortunes of the other. 

    Everywhere else in the country seems to be trying to be progressive.  The mentality in Bristol is always negative.  Such a shame.

    I'm sure we'll end up with a nice expensive white elephant Arena in the wrong part of town, costing the taxpayers millions, but neither of the moderm new football stadia funded from private equity.  Glad I moved away to be honest.


    The problem is danny that your fellow supporters (most of them) took great delight in our JR. while I / we may share your sentiment about getting things done in Bristol, your club won't get much , if any, support on the red side due to your supporters actions when we had the same issues.

    'Sad state of affairs' I agree with but maybe your fellow fans should have taken that attitude when it was the other way around WTGR.

    • Like 2
  11. Bristol isn't officially best place to live. It was one article taken from one study. The next week Solihull was "best place to live".

    Its all bollocks, I look forward to Bristol disappear up its own arse while the rest of us move on with modern life.


    Fair enough BCR, I only read the first article obviously. The City of Bristol is rumoured to be looking to expand taking in parts of North Somerset and us in South Glos. Personally, I am quite happy to remain outside the remit of red trousers and the city council. What's that phrase about 'piss ups', 'organise' and 'breweries'?

  12. The City fan part of me finds this quite amusing and, in all honesty, it's not a great place for a supermarket with regards to traffic and location plus there are many supermarkets in that area already.

    The Bristolian part of me cannot believe how difficult it is to get anything done in this City. It's officially the best place in the country to live but has the worst traffic congestion in the country. It's the best place to live but don't dare change ANYTHING. I am still utterly bewildered that AV has had so many problems. I was working in Derby yesterday and that puts us to shame for sporting and leisure facilities. Pride park is nice as we all know but they're building a velodrome which can act as a 12000 seat concert venue. The council backed it unanimously as it was 'for the benefit of the whole city'. Take notice red trousers.

    If the sags had shown us any support over Ashton Vale, they would have my support over this but they didn't so.....






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  13. Like others, I have been stewing on this today.

    In my humble opinion, one thing which stands out throughout this entire thread is the lack of worthwhile communication from the club.

    There is a desperate need for the club to engage with it's supporters through the various fans groups and trusts in order to try and find a solution to this and any other current issues.

    If there's no communication, all that will happen is that we, the fans will become more and more distant.

    I really hope the powers within BCFC can do something as the status quo is becoming dangerously fractious.

  14. Why stop going? That's exactly what they want! They want a nice sterile atmosphere with no edge to it.

    Don't let them win. You stopping going is playing right info their hands



    I've always swore at the football I can't help it half the time like the other night against Brentford. Ever since I was young me and my Dad had a thing where I would only swear at the football if I did it at home I got a hiding fair enough and never swore at home till I was a lot older although I had heard it all before anyway nothing I heard was new. I don't know where this club is going anymore they talk about the kids but christ I can remeber going to Swansea, Cardiff, Brentford, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Oxford as a youngster where the atmoshphere was quality they will always stay with me those days now look at it it's pathetic people getting banned for swearing it's football ffs. I really don't want to run the risk of getting arrested and having a criminal record just cos I got a bit excited at a football match.


    Pretty much word for word what i was just writing. Great post.

    I can't afford to get arrested for something I have ALWAYS done and won't risk it. My family and my employer won't wear a criminal record and getting banned for life and a football banning order for doing things we have done for the best part of 40 YEARS is just plain stupid.

    Maybe I'm missing something through getting older but this ain't the game I used to support if I can get arrested for waving my hands aggressively or calling the visiting winger something!


    Sorry Dolly, if them's the rules, I want no part of it! My love of BCFC will never die but this is absolutely rediculous.

  15. I honestly think this season maybe my last wtf has happend to football.


    100% agree with this. If this isn't a wind up, my days at football are coming to an end.

    The day I can't back our club with a bit of passion is the day I say 'no more'. Maybe I'm old school and I'm not advocating violence at all but the day I can't stand, sing our songs and generally slag off the other team for 90 minutes is the day I go and do something else with my time on a Saturday and a Tuesday. That's another long term fan, a supporter since 1975 dispairing of the way OUR game seems to be heading.

    For me and (I think) many others, this would be the end.

    Wake up City FFS!

  16. Well I s'pose self-defence is fair game, but as none on here are likely to know the exact reality of each and every of the 16 cases then really the whole bloody thread's just what it is, unfounded speculation in the main.

    This ain't a court of law, mate.


    I appreciate that bud, just asking the question as my actions, long ago, seemed to fit those that people are being banned for.

    Cause trouble in any football ground and you're fair game for being banned but to give life bans for some of the things being mentioned seems totally OTT in my humble opinion.

    I genuinely hope the club have a rethink on SOME of the bans being handed out IF they are for trivial things.

  17. Here's a question.

    Years ago, we were playing the gas at our place, it was when they had half the park end.  As I left the Dolman, a gashead came charging at me so I belted him. Yes, I was aggressive but I was always going to defend myself. As I actually threw a punch (before the gashead could), should I get a life ban? By the attitude of some on here, I should even though I did nothing wrong.

  18. Half the eastend may not be there much longer anyway

    Loads pissed off currently regarding various goings on


    This is spot on!

    Are we gonna get banned for singing 'drink up thee cider' now as ' do the bast***s over' could be construed as swearing? How about 'really ****king hate them'? That's swearing. I had better be careful, this singing lark could end up in a court appearance if we're not careful!

    The working mans day out was a day at the football when I was a nipper and my dad always taught me not to repeat the bad language I might hear at games. I didn't and now I say the same to my kids when I can cajole them into a City match. Swearing happens at football and it's down to good parenting to stop your young uns using that sort of language.

    Banning people for swearing? What's next? Banned for farting? Blood / alcohol level checks on the way in?

    What do this club want us to be?

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