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Ska Junkie

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Everything posted by Ska Junkie

  1. You on a wind up SP? If you are, that's quite brilliant. Bruce went to my old school so we may share an 'education'.
  2. I'm only repeating what was said in a pre-match discussion over a few beers SP and have no idea if they're correct. It's actually quite a pleasant experience with the venue in the city centre. It would be a real pity if they had to move, particularly for the many small businesses who make serious money when Bath are at home.
  3. After reading their drivel, they want their stadium built INSIDE the hangar. I wonder where they thing the bloody arena is supposed to go? Thick gits!
  4. For my sins, I went to the Rec over the weekend and got chatting about stadiums and redevelopment. Their support seem to think the redevelopment of the Rec is pretty much guaranteed. The amount of business the rugby brings into the centre of the city on match days is quite surprising and won't be replaced by tourists plus it seems to have the backing of people in the city. I did notice that there are posts on the Rec field, where their big booze tent is, showing where the rear of a permanent stand would be and doesn't impinge too far on to the sports field TBH. I can see the rugby staying where it is but they won't accept football there in any form.
  5. I genuinely don't know Slarti. I believe these are the latest reincarnations (July 2018) which are somewhat more downbeat than the pic I posted. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-44951387
  6. I would imagine, like most new builds, that the eventual reality is somewhat less than the dream Gaz.
  7. Hasn't Dyson applied for a total redevelopment of the Rec with a capacity of 18K then? Sounds like a case of wishful thinking on the methane snorters part. http://stadiumforbath.com/
  8. That's how I remember it too. A mates son (he was 14 at the time) got a slap from a load of older Forest fans before the game and they were playing the same game afterwards to the detriment of the bar they ran into.
  9. What an absolute crock of shite that is! The ability to spout bollocks must be a pre-requisite for being a methane snorting loser then.
  10. They are trying seriously hard to convince themselves that some bloke called Ed Ware is going to buy the mem and what's left of their club then provide a stadium for them somewhere, supposedly Filton. I don't see how the sums work? Buy a bit of land, spend money clearing it, more money building houses which would make a profit. But where does the £££ for both the land in Filton and the building of any methanarium come from plus what happens to all the debt charged against the stadium of canvas?
  11. Wasn't he on something daft like £50K a week at Villa? That should put another nail in the methane snorters coffin then. Obviously, it's true as we read it on the internet. Ahem... In May 2018, it was revealed that his annual salary of £2.3 million would have a bonus £1 million added if Villa were promoted, despite him not playing a league match for them that season. Ross McCormack - Wikipedia
  12. The floor space of the proposed Brabazon hangar arena is shown here. Good luck getting a football pitch in a space the size of a tennis court saggies! https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/what-bristol-arena-filton-could-1278493
  13. https://www.facebook.com/Bristolcityfans2017/videos/2172587543028705/ ?
  14. Imagine the 'boob cricket' scoring possibilities!!!
  15. Bucks fizz, wow. Awful songs but the bird (not Cheryl, the other one) was fit back in the day.
  16. They're getting quite excited about the Brabazon site! No substance to it and no money but it's gonna add to our fun in the future. 'Let's build an arena but we can't use it on Saturdays as the gash are playing. Oh yeah, we're providing office facilities as well'. Good luck with that saggies! OTIB, MTC.
  17. My thoughts exactly BR. It may all be a pipe dream anyway.
  18. Good shout but, I believe, the 'arena' is actually the stadium and the bit alongside is a casino IIRC. Puts my argument to grass I guess although I thought the plan was that the Brabazon hangar was to be converted? Maybe it's the site of the hangar.
  19. An indoor arena, as in most major cities in this country could surely NOT be used as a football stadium? There's a thread on their drivel where some nutter is saying they use it on Saturdays etc etc. It would have to be one hell of a size to incorporate a full size football pitch wouldn't it?
  20. http://gasheads.org/thread/7651/waq-interview?page=9 Can someone explain to me how a hypothetical arena and a stadium for them are the same thing? Surely the footprint / floor space of an arena is far too small for a football pitch?
  21. Considering he's been absolutely rinsed on here, humiliated on their forum and proven to be a liar by the police, I'll give him credit for being a persistent bugger. Totally full of shit but persistent! Either that or he just needs a life. ?️?
  22. What thread of hilarity is that on? I can't read too many of their hilarious ramblings as I'm not sure my heart can stand the laughter.
  23. The difference is they aspire to be what we are. Although they try constantly to compare themselves to us favourably, some on their forum realise just how far ahead we now are and there's bugger all they can do about it. We, on the other hand, have a forum thread just taking the piss out of them. The day we stopped comparing ourselves to that pile of crap is the day we started becoming a far better club than even we were previously. MTC.
  24. It's not like we are gonna play them in the league any time soon is it? All good humored banter as far as I can see and it's not a gap, it's a chasm and they know it!
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