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Everything posted by pillred

  1. It is a bit disheartening that they beat us in 2008 to get promoted to the Premier League and now it looks like they might pass us by again, so yes you may well be right.
  2. Controversial but this is mostly Nigel Pearson's team, and according to most on here we are not playing well or are not very good, so who are we blaming?
  3. Try this tip if no sound click on the game picture when it redirects at the top and click on X to get rid of it, when it goes back to the game you can usually see the sound and full-screen icon bottom right corner, persist until you can, Football Live Streaming Cricfree | Sky Sports Watch Online
  4. I agree (sadly) but the last time I looked this was a football forum, so it will probably get discussed.
  5. I wouldn't go as far as calling us a small club, as far as the ground, facilities, crowd numbers, and potential are concerned, but we are definitely an underperforming one.
  6. Fifth gear is a lot more like Top gear used to be and yes they need to go back to basics if it is ever to return proper tests on cars the average person can relate to and tips on accessories and how to look after your car plus the occasional bit of aspirational content for us daydreamers who hope to win the lottery one day :laugh:.
  7. A bit like Top Gear then, It was due for the chop the accident to Freddie was the excuse they needed.
  8. I don't remember anyone saying Max is not a great shot-stopper, and when he's good he's very very good but as the well-known saying goes but when he's bad he's horrid, his weakness is his distribution how when you have the whole width of the pitch to aim at he puts it out so often is, well what can I say?
  9. 9 points away from the bottom 3, that was a very good time to win.
  10. Well 3 points any way you get them are 3 points, me I'm happy with that.
  11. So 7 points from the relegation places by that token must mean we are safe then.
  12. Not what they are saying on Sky sports said he just collapsed.
  13. What happened to the good old, if in doubt kick it out.
  14. Certain games stand out for all of us, and despite being so long ago (I was 14) it was one of those games which gave me such a buzz, I left the ground walking on air and became addicted to everything that goes with supporting a club like City, we go through so many lows but when the highs come they seem to mean so much more, it makes me laugh when commentators on Sky etc say it's the first trophy Man City, Chelsea etc have won for 10 years, yes I think try supporting a club like us.
  15. That game with Chris Garland on the programme was one of the all-time great matches I have attended, it was 1970 and we were 1-3 down against Sunderland and came back to win 4-3 what a match.
  16. No, she was the one in Coronation Street.
  17. Marlon Pack scored a 90th-minute own goal to give them a draw.
  18. We got a point against Huddersfield so not diddly squat.
  19. Huddersfield 0-2 down to Preston puts our result into perspective.
  20. Try cricfree. Football Live Streaming Cricfree | Sky Sports Watch Online
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