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Everything posted by pillred

  1. I wonder what sanctions they will face, they seem to get away with an awful lot, their fans have a bad reputation and now their officials have joined in, can you imagine if that was an English club president or owner there would be calls for lifetime bans.
  2. Referee punched: Turkish FA halts league football after club president hits Super Lig official - BBC Sport
  3. Of course, I do but I would still bet it was a very unusual if not unique occurrence.
  4. Spoilt B***ard was my favourite :laugh:.
  5. Difficult to prove, but with only 9 clubs out of 23 currently in the Championship for 5 of them to be in consecutive positions I would imagine the odds are pretty slim.
  6. If you look at the current table in the Championship between 13th and 17th all the clubs end in City, I bet that has never happened before.
  7. Ten Hag must be living on borrowed time losing at home to Bournemouth. 0-2
  8. Plymouth getting a whupping 4-0 now, still 40 minutes left.
  9. Christ, you are a long way behind we scored 5 minutes ago. I thought we had taken the lead.
  10. I tried to guess who that might be before looking at your posting, luckily I'm old enough to have got the question right, what a signing and memories. I know some might say rose-tinted specs and nobody could have been that good but John was, I wish we had him up front now he would take a shot from anywhere within 30 yards I can still hear his song from the Eastend now if I close my eyes, John Galley superstar how many goals have you scored so far, happy days.
  11. Now then, don't get personal :laugh:.
  12. Buying a City season ticket has always been a triumph of hope over expectation, at least that's what I've been telling myself for the past 40 years :laugh:.
  13. Perhaps we have a Santa Clause :laugh:.
  14. I do wonder whether we would be having all these types of discussions if the current results had been better, it sounds at the moment a lot of fans have buyer's remorse, in the words of that famous annoying song all your Kids were singing not long ago isn't it time to "let it go" no amount of moaning is going to change anything I mean we were hardly tearing up trees a month ago were we.
  15. Rinse and repeat, I have watched a 40-odd-year wash cycle, and still, my shirt says sorry still not ready yet, I did not go down today simply because after 55 years the scales have finally fallen from my eyes, remember this I was 24 years old when we last played in the top flight, I have now been collecting my state pension for nearly Two years, yes really so all you Twenty and Thirty somethings who think it's only a matter of time be afraid very afraid. you like me may NEVER see us play top-flight football again. It's depressing, isn't it?
  16. Last season wasn't it 1-0? easy peasy Lemon squeezy :laugh:.
  17. Ouch!! Don't remind me, I was about 10 feet away at the time, we really are an unlucky side like that.
  18. Every time Sammy Szmodics scores I think, if only, that seems to be happening a lot this season.
  19. Two wins for BRISTOL! isn't that what is a bone of contention amongst fans when WE are described as such :laugh:.
  20. Since 1904, Bedminster FC played there from 1887, We played at St John's Lane from 1897 till we moved to the gate.
  21. I'm not sure you will get off scot-free with that comment :laugh:.
  22. As I hinted in my post I think there was a clash of personalities or something that has not come out about the reason for his dismissal, not sure we will ever find out the real reason, perhaps the board just did not have faith in his tactics or maybe even his health was a factor who knows, it will be interesting to see the backing the new manager gets in the next transfer window if he is well backed I'm sure the conspiracy theories will come out.
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