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Everything posted by pillred

  1. I will probably get stick for this opinion, but here goes, I have never hidden my doubts about Pearson, yes he had a bit of bad luck with injuries and losing players but we at times had a team that should have performed better, our results, especially at home have been well disappointing to say the least, I remember when every Sat Geoff Stelling would point out we had not won at home in nearly a year, yes really, he was a BIG name and I think some on here could not get over how "lucky" we were to have him, look overall things did not work out did they, we have now appointed a young manager who I'm sure will bust a gut to prove himself we have had one game under him, did not lose it by the way yet the knives are already out, give the guy a chance ffs if in 6 months it has not worked out then I will hold my hands up, but I have a feeling, at last, we may have the man in charge that can fulfil our hopes for the future.
  2. One Swallow doesn't make a summer or BJ? How did that get passed the Mods :laugh:.
  3. For what it's worth tonight I thought it should have been a penalty against Maguire and not against Lewis so I suppose it evened itself out. But yes all in all VAR has not covered itself in glory, the time it takes being my main gripe.
  4. How can you possibly say perhaps we went for the wrong manager after one game?
  5. Is there ever going to be any sort of level playing field, are we going to go back to the days of local representation or quotas? this is a very divisive subject it seems that we either accept we are going down the richest teams will always dominate route or we go back to the days when attendance coupled with good management prevailed can't see that ever happening again sadly.
  6. So based on a result where we had no reason to win whatsoever because we had already qualified, and the World Cup which is a completely different competition is not for another three years you have the foresight to predict that, well done.
  7. This could get very messy, I mean how many clubs might feel they have a case against Everton, a can of worms has well and truly been opened.
  8. Yes I see now of course everyone moves up one place (face palms himself :laugh:)
  9. No Bournemouth are 4th bottom on 9 points.
  10. Yes, but Bournemouth are on 9 points and 3 go down.
  11. It's not defense it's defence, please don't go all-American, sorry to be pedantic. The fact they try to change our language and spelling of words gets on my nerves, rant over laugh.
  12. And just maybe having so many players out with injuries and a new manager after nearly years has had an effect, give it a little more time before passing judgement.
  13. It may have escaped your attention but the other team also had a new manager and were at home and were as desperate as we were to not disappoint, sometimes these things cancel each other out, don't be so hard to judge so soon as you could be eating humble pie 3 months from now and remember I said could, you may be right but it won't be down to manning not wanting to win as much as we want him to, sometimes things just conspire against you. I have a feeling though humble pie will be in order.
  14. Seriously so after 4 days of working with exactly the same players as Pearson (nige) to his fans, you expect a drastic transformation?
  15. Positive start? well, a point away from home is a good point, isn't it?
  16. Well here's my prediction we will win 1-0 and everyone who loved NP will suddenly think well maybe it was time for a change.
  17. Does anyone know the way, does anyone know the way to blockbuster!!!
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