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Everything posted by pillred

  1. Should be looking into signing him.
  2. That should sell a few season tickets.
  3. Doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things but it's made my Easter weekend better.
  4. Just imagine our joy when they lose in the play off final.
  5. Your friend Bill says we even lost to you, then later says we have the rare chance of a double over you after winning 1-0 in November, had me confused, apart from that great bit of research for an entertaining review of Stoke City and todays match.
  6. Type in on you tube Bristol City Vs Bradford City (A) 2015 it's in 720p.
  7. There is a better quality version on you tube in 720p, look down the right hand side of the page when clicking on the original link.
  8. Have you seen the price of the tickets? I was absolutely gobsmacked when I looked, if you don't know them have a look I think you will be as shocked as I was, unbelievable.
  9. A membership is a good idea at £5 off every game you do attend, any more than 5 games and you start saving money then at least you still feel part of the club without severing your ties completely.
  10. SKY said you have to question the Bristol city defending, well what surprise.
  11. And with 100 million odd in parachute payments I certainly would agree with you, surely something has to be done to stop rewarding failure like this.
  12. I think a few teams that have played us this season would probably beg to differ.
  13. Let's hope they fail to be reinstated for every sport or competition they enter, then and only then the Russian people might just realize what Putin has done to their country,
  14. They did, and the teams have rightly been punished for it which has undeniably helped us in what has been a very difficult and disappointing season.
  15. Don't agree, the points deductions were for transgressions last season and comparing like for like as far as actual points gained this season it's a valid argument, we would be a lot nearer trouble if those points deductions had not been made, though of course we would probably still be ok.
  16. Horkp a challenge? I'm afraid you will have to help me with that one :laugh:. is it a new Danish lager perhaps?
  17. Harsh but true it's the same with all other sports though, but if you accept the short comings and accept that it can never be as fast or strong I still enjoy watching women compete against each other in football athletics rugby etc, yes it's not as athletic or fast how could it be but that does not mean it can't be enjoyed for the sheer spectacle of competition between equals. Looking forward to our girls game against Liverpool tomorrow and hope they do us proud, I think it's on the FA player.
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