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Everything posted by pillred

  1. Would be interested if any other team had also had anything like their worst run in their entire history as well or was that just us? look I know we want our new manager to succeed but be honest no amount of massaging the figures makes it look any less than a failure, go on give me your take on it as to my mind the same set of figures for say Dean Holden had us all saying how Cr*p he was and he didn't know what he was doing.
  2. Take into account last season we lost 10 at home in a row never ever been done in 125 years all under Pearson, sometime the excuses will have to stop.
  3. You would have thought with the number of games alone he has been in charge there would have been some discernible improvement in attitude tactics game plan but I'm struggling to see it I mean I might as well be the manager the results would be no worse.
  4. I think if were still here he would think that was a bloody good effort, it will be hard to follow somebody like him but I'm glad you have at least captured the spirit of his threads, let's hope we can do him proud tomorrow and the rest of the season, keep up the good work.
  5. You can't argue that the performances and results have been pretty bad, as for the results they would have been no worse had we put out a pub team 10 consecutive home losses, a record I sincerely hope stands for all time.
  6. There used to be as saying that went round a few years ago that went "you can't educate pork" Big P is one of those examples, the facts stare him in the face yet still he doesn't want to accept them.
  7. But a lot less people who have had the vaccine get very ill compared to those that have not had it, how can you not see that? the facts are there for all to see hospital admissions with a similar number of cases are down 90% I mean come on.
  8. Because those with one are less likely to infect those around them, surely you can see the good in that.
  9. It's to try and encourage you to have it that's all, the final decision is still yours, and are you really going to cut your nose off to spite your face? The vaccine has been proven categorically to have a positive effect on passing it or actually catching it and vastly lessens the effect of covid if you are unlucky enough to have caught it why you wouldn't want to take it is beyond me but again it will be your choice.
  10. Having it away with his own brothers partner tells me all I need to know about him.
  11. You already are, in the winter just gone mostly before people had been vaccinated the chances of dying if you got covid were one in sixty it's currently one in one thousand so what conclusion would anyone with any sense make?
  12. Currently 85% of adults have had first vaccination and nearly 70% their second, hardly barely half is it. I don't know if you are including children in your figure though.
  13. I think if restrictions on unvaccinated people come in (and it's beginning to look inevitable) expect a big rush of people currently saying they don't want the vaccine.
  14. With grateful thanks to Les Dawson.
  15. I realise a lot of jobs are also impossible to do from home, mine certainly was but I think the railway was planned mostly for the office type jobs that are (were) prevalent in central Bristol where the train stopped not sure it will be financially viable without the commuters that were expected to use it, maybe things will slowly revert back to how they were me I'm not so sure if the railway lines will ever be as busy going forward as they were, personally I think HS2 will turn out to be the biggest white elephant since the Brabazon airliner.
  16. Current timeline for the completion of the Portishead line is early to mid 2024 at the earliest, they haven't even finally decided where the station in Portishead is going to go so I wouldn't be holding your breath for ashton gate halt to reopen. I'm wondering with all this working from home whether there will be any demand for commuting into central Bristol going forward.
  17. Going down on goal difference would be the icing on the cake.
  18. Let's keep our fingers and toes crossed.
  19. It's Northampton that could spoil the party they just need to match the gas results, which let's face it shouldn't be difficult.
  20. Looking at the table it might have been better if Northampton had won that game with Wimbledon having 2 games in hand.
  21. And now Mo Eisa has scored as well.
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