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Everything posted by pillred

  1. I didn't say the bloke wasn't a **** just that to boycott a place because the owner supported Brexit is childish. I can see why with the way he is treating staff someone might not want to patronise the place but not just because he supported leaving the EU that was my point which you seem to have overlooked.
  2. Read the effin post properly, he said he boycotted spoons because of Brexit not for what he has recently done that's what it's got to do with Brexit he had already boycotted the place before this, if you had read what he said you would have realised that.
  3. A bit petty in my opinion, just because you didn't get your way in the vote, I like to think if the vote had gone the other way I would not have been so childish. I admit the bloke can be a bit abrasive but to refuse to use a pub just because his political opinion is different to yours is a bit daft, you would have to boycott half the businesses in the country if that was the case.
  4. It IS advisory whatever you might think, at the moment there is no law which states if you are an at risk patient you are forbidden to leave your house read it again.
  5. FRUIT AND VEG!!! that's like gold dust around here haven't seen any in my local co op for a week.
  6. No but you may have no choice sometimes but to leave the house, what I'm saying is it's up to you if you want to risk it after weighing up the risks they wont arrest you if you ignore their advice (yet(
  7. Unfortunately this crisis is not showing some on here in their best light is it, I'm afraid people want a scapegoat and Boris is an easy target, look I don't think he comes out of this blameless but the best sight in the world is 20:20 hindsight.
  8. Do they pay JSA for a year now? you were lucky I received it for 26 weeks that was all I was entitled, and because my wife was working that was all the benefits I could get despite after working continuously for 35 years, made my blood boil when I personally knew people that had not worked for years and yet seemed to have a life just as comfortable as mine.
  9. I was the same as you 35 years of continuous employment through no fault of my own was made redundant, made to jump through hoops for £65 a week job seekers allowance (it was 10 years ago) when I think of the lazy Bast***s that had made a lifestyle choice to never work a day in their lives and lived a comfortable life with all their rent paid and 50 inch flat screen TVs ( I know because I had to wake some of them up at 10 o clock to fit their new balconies was the point I lost all faith in the system.
  10. Could but wont, why should our figures be worse than China that has 25 times our population you should stop with the scaremongering as it isn't doing anyone any good, most of us are doing all we can (I said most) we don't need all the pessimism, give it a rest your preaching to the mostly converted apart from completely giving up on life there is little more most of us can do.
  11. We are wasting our time, it seems most on here are determined to look on the black side with all there we're doomed predictions, best we just stop trying to reason with them and let them get on with it, short of having a guard outside everyone's house and we all starve to death because we shouldn't be leaving our homes you know to shop, work, get some fresh air etc. what the hell do they expect us to do just give up on life.
  12. Perhaps I'm being too optimistic but unless things get much much worse I can't see the final death toll being anywhere the figure some of the more excitable posters on here are proposing, figures of tens even hundreds of thousands being bandied about.
  13. It wouldn't be so bad if after a big shop they then didn't shop again for a while, but I suspect that a lot of people are going way beyond that otherwise the shops would have been able to catch up by now, but if my experience of the last couple of days is anything to go by that's not the case. In my local shop I have not been able to buy certain item for nearly two weeks so certain people must have a house full of stuff as it's not a big community unless people from outside the village are coming in, perhaps it will have to come down to proving where you live to be able to shop in a certain store to ensure there is enough to go round not sure what else can be done.
  14. think what you have suggested just about covers it, but it doesn't seem to have made much difference re the restocking, selfish b****rds still seem to strip the shelves in minutes, I don't know if they are rigorously enforcing this certain number of everything, in Sainsburys yesterday at 10:30 the shelves were practically empty which means people become more anxious the next time they go out and over compensate, it's a difficult problem, until you and I are confident we will get what we want when we go out unfortunately it will carry on, perhaps rationing certain items is the only way for a short while.
  15. Pray enlighten us on how you would have handled it? you must have an alternative plan would love to hear it.
  16. Looks like J mat voted Corbyn judging by the emojis he is handing out to anyone that dares praise the governments handling of the situation, sad really as I think they have gone above and beyond what anyone could have expected.
  17. Prohibition didn't stop them in America, people will always find a way.
  18. Hate to say this? sorry but that doesn't paint you in a very good light there's grudging admiration but hate?
  19. That's my theory as well, only so much food and toilet rolls anyone needs.
  20. Probably not now if word gets around, reckon social media and smartphones have a lot to answer for.
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